Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

Mrs. Park knocked on Jimin's door before opening it, clearly hearing that Jimin was crying his eyes out. She opened the door to see Jimin's face stuffed in his pillow and his shoulders shaking. "Oh Jiminie, why are you crying so much?" 

"Be-because Yo-Yoongi's up-upset with m-me and-and I didn't li-listen to hi-him." "Hey, you're mom's upset with you too, you know" she said, sitting down on the bed besides him, putting a comforting hand on his back. 

"Well that doe-doesn't help," he whined. "I'm not trying to help, I want you to regret what you did." "I do!" he kicked his legs around. 

"I MESSED UP, I'M SORRY!" "Calm down Jimin-ah, everyone tries a cigarette at least once in their life. I'm upset, but it's not the end of the world." 

But it was. Because he got Yoongi angry. So Jimin gripped at the roots of his hair tightly, when he couldn't find something in his room to hurt himself with, and his mom knew he was searching just by his frantic eyes scanning the room. 

"Jimin!" She slapped his hands away from his hurting head. "You need to calm down right now." "But mom-" "No buts! Stop exaggerating Jimin, it's life. It just happens, you move on, you don't try to hurt yourself, what the hell is wrong with you!" 

Jimin's breathing finally slowed down, steading as he just stared at his hands. Back against his headboard. "I don't know..." 

"I don't know momma." 

Jimin just couldn't handle being yelled at. 

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