Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"So how are things going with your favorite freshman?" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows. Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Seriously Yoongs, he's so young." Namjoon shook his head. "What? We're just friends," Yoongi defended. 

"Well, Namjoon's kind of right Yoongi-ah. Take care of the kid, he's only fifteen." Yoongi sighed at Seokjin, not really caring much about this conversation. "Yeah, Yeah." "Do you even like him?" Yoongi shrugged. Sure he liked Jimin, but not like Jimin liked him. 

Definitely not like that. 

Jimin was just a cute boy who was fun to tease. Seokjin looked up and Yoongi saw him send someone a small smile with adoration in his eyes. It was Jimin. He turned around when he felt a gentle poke on his shoulder. Seokjin squealed. 

"Calm down baby," Namjoon rubbed his back. He couldn't help it. Jimin was just too damn cute. He looked like a pretty little doll. 

"Um...hyu-hyung...can I ta-talk to you." "Sure," Yoongi said, leaving the trash of his eaten lunch behind for the other guys to throw out for him. "What's up?" Yoongi asked when they were standing outside of the cafeteria. 

Spring was finally here now. 

"Do-do you happen to be lonely tonight again?" Yoongi smirked. "No...I'm eating dinner with the guys at that diner downtown." Jimin nodded. Of course he was having dinner with his friends this evening. 

" you want to come?" 

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