Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"Smells good," was the first thing Jimin said when Yoongi opened the door. Yoongi smiled before waving Jimin inside. "It's Italian this time I see?" Yoongi hummed before pulling the chair out for Jimin to sit, after he led him to the dinner room. 

"Um..." Before Jimin could take a bite of the delicious food, he had to ask Yoongi what he really wanted to discuss. However, he ignored that thought, and decided to have a nice time, eating the food, and ask questions later. It wasn't until Yoongi was sure that Jimin was full, he let the boy stop eating. 

"So what did you want to discuss?" Yoongi looked down to his now empty plate for a few seconds. "What's your relationship to Hiroshi?" "Hiroko." "Whatever," Yoongi huffed. "Friends," he shrugged. 

"Do you like him?" "Sure I like him. As a friend." Yoongi narrowed his eyebrows, wondering if Jimin was telling the truth. He was usually pretty good at telling if people were lying or not though. 

"Why are you don't..." Yoongi widened his eyes before shaking his head. "No no no, I don't- I see you as a little brother." Jimin frowned. "Then why did you tell Hiroko that I was your boyfriend?" Yoongi really wanted to hit himself for doing that. 

Jimin was looking into his eyes, waiting for an answer. "I don't like him...and I thought that... if he thought that I was your boyfriend, he would back off a bit." "Why don't you like him?" Yoongi shrugged. "He's just...touchy," Yoongi mumbled. "

So? Why do you care?" 

Yeah Yoongi, why do you care?

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