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The rest of spring break was lonely because everyone else was gone. I literally had to spend it by myself I was more then glad when Monday came back. I woke up to my alarm and noticed that I was still by myself. He had told me he would be back when finished. Quinn was still gone, I assumed he was at class.

I walked into the bathroom and got undressed then took a shower. My attire for the day include a messy little curly bun on top of my head, a yellow t shirt, and a pair of black jeans. I took my normal route to class, so that I could enjoy the scenery. It was a nice warm day outside with a pretty blue sky. Gracefully I made my way to my chemistry class. I took a seat by Libby whom sat beside Jackson.

"Good Morning gorgeous" Libby winked at me playfully.

"Good Morning guys, what are you up to?" I asked them pulling out my notebook.

"Well we were talking about going to the movies tonight. Are you gone?" Jackson asked me.

It had been awhile since I had did anything with friends. I figured it would be nice to get out and have some fun. Besides Quinn had been p.o putting me through a lot of stress lately.

"I'm definitely in, I'll see you guys tonight." I smiled at them.

"Sounds great the movie started at 8, we will take Jacksons truck to the theater." Libby said as she braided her hair.

I nodded as the professor walked into the classroom to begin the lesson. The day seemed to linger by slowly, I figured it was because I had plans that night.

After class ended I walked home and unlocked my door walking inside. Quinn was on the floor doing push ups shirtless, exactly like the first day I met him.

"Its nice to see you again" I gave him a soft smile.

Quinn grinned, "Its good to be back. I got tired of sleeping in the park." I instantly felt bad because he had to sleep in the park. I tossed my backpack onto my bed and walked into the bathroom.

Once I came out after two hours I was dressed in a white, black, and red striped button down shirt. The shirt was tucked into my denim shorts and I was wearing a pair of flat sandals. My hair was naturally curled all over my head. Quinn eyes flickered towards me from his bed. The facial expression that appeared on his face was priceless. He sat up his full attention on me, "Where are you going?"

I walked over to the bed grabbing my purse, "I'm going to the movies with Libby and Jackson." I answered him.

"To the movie? With Jackson? Wearing that your breast are almost visible" he complained.

"Yes, yes, and yes. Sure if you're staring really hard down my shirt. Quinn stop acting like your my daddy" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm your boyfriend that's close enough, you know Jackson likes you. I dont want him looking at what's mine." He said very irritated.

I walked over to the door and he grabbed my hand so that I was facing him. "Quinn, hes a guy hes going to look. Theres nothing going on between Jackson and I. You're being overdramatic."

"If he so much as touches you I'll break his hand" Quinn threatened.

I scoffed, "Bye Quinn. Be a good boy now" I kissed his forehead. Then I left the dorms then I met Jackson and Libby at his truck. We drove to the movie theater singing along to the radio.

Once we arrived we piled out of the truck and into the theater where we decided to see a comedy. Inside the theater I sat beside Libby and Jackson sat on the other side of me. "Brynn I wanted to tell you that you like absolutely stunning tonight." Jackson complimented.

"Thanks Jackson" I said softly as I took a few pieces out of the big bowl of popcorn we had. Jackson was acting really strange, he kept staring at me and not watching the movie. I reached for a piece of popcorn and he did as well our hands touched. Jackson blushed turning his head the other way. After the movie finished we walked out into the lobby.

"That movie was really good" Libby laughed.

"I couldn't pay attention because I was distracted" Jackson admitted.

"Distracted by what?" Libby asked.

His cheeks flushed red before he answered her question. "Her beauty" he spoke softly looking at me. Jsckson was a really nice guy, but I already had a boyfriend. A jealous one at that.

"Jackosn you know she has a boyfriend" Libby pointed out.

"Jac-" I started to say but was interrupted.

"A boyfriend that will break your fucking hand if you touch her hand, while you're eating popcorn in the theater again." A husky voiced behind me growled.

I turned around to see Quinn, I wondered could my night become anymore awkward.

I turned around to see Quinn, I wondered could my night become anymore awkward

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Jackson Lee Pittsburgh

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Jackson Lee Pittsburgh

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