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My eyes widened as I saw my roommate on top of some girl pounding her life away. She screamed her name, so at least he was good.

"What the hell seriously!?" I yelled closing the door in disgusts.

I stood against the wall by the door and I could hear them talking on the inside. "Seriously you didn't lock your door?"

"Sorry babe I did shes my roommate she has a key" he apologized.

"I'm out of here" she rushed out of the room and rolled her eyes at me.

I turned around to go inside of the dorm, he stood there with his sheets wrapped around his lower half. My eyes instantly went down and I met his gaze I blushed. Damn I thought to myself. There was no doubt that he was unbelievably attractive and his smirk made it harder to resist.

"See something you like?" He raised an eyebrow as I shut the door behind me.

I played it off casually, "I've had bigger." I sat down on my bed and pulled out a book.

"Sure..." he grumbled and walked into the bathroom. I generally wanted to apologize about how I acted. I didnt want to walk in on him banging on some girl.

He walked out of the bathroom in basketball shorts and a red t shirt. Then he sat on his bed scrolling through his phone. The room was silent for a few minutes. "I'm sorry about yelling at you this morning. Thank you for saving last night" I breathed.

The boy looked up from his book with a blank stare, "Its no problem. I mean you yelled at me and then you just ruined the best sex I was having" he pointed out.

I rolled my eyes biting my bottom lip, "I said I was sorry I didnt know you were going to be banging some broad on the floor. That's not my fault."

"Next time knock" he whispered.

I shut my book closed and rolled my eyes, "I'm not going to knock on my own dorm room door, just to make sure you're not banging someone."

He placed his phone on the bed and begin walking over to me. I jumped up and stepped towards the door. I wasnt sure what the hell he was doing.

I blinked and he had me pinned up against the wall. "Why are you running? Are you afraid of me?" He whispered in my ear. The hairs on the back my neck were standing up. His hands were placed on each side of my head. My heart was racing in my chest, I wasn't even sure how he had moved so fast.

"I'm not afraid of you" I lied as our eyes met he leaned in closer.

"Good because I like you you're fiesty" my legs felt like jelly underneath my body. I was sure that I was going to collapse onto the ground. I never knew someone could make me feel this way.

"Good, I don't like you" I tried to sound tough.

He smirked his infamous smirk "Too bad you're mine now." He kissed my cheek and left the room. I stood there completely confused and a little scared. What had I gotten myself into?

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