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Surprisingly we drove to the restuarant in silence. Quinn was acting really strange, once we got to the restuarant he didnt bother looking at me. A young girl with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes came to our table to take our order. "Hello my name is Kristy I will be your server tonight. What would you two like to drink?" She gave Quinn a small smile and he smiled back.

Anger boiled up inside of me, I should have know he was too good to be true. Dead or Alive he was still a guy most guys couldn't think with their heads. "I would like a water please" he told her.

Then she turned towards me her smile instantly disappeared. "Water" I said abruptly which much attitude.

"Alright, I'll get those drinks then I'll be back to take your order." Kristy then walked away.

I stared down at my menu, I honestly wasnt hungry anymore. Quinn had ruined that. He had the audacity to ask me on a date then act weird in front of other girls. As if he was uninterested in me. Calm down Brynn it's your time of the month I told myself taking a deep breath. Maybe I'm just overreacting I told myself. So I tried to make conversation with him. "This restaurant is really nice" I spoke softly putting down my menu.

"Yeah" he replied.

"Thank you for bringing me here," I smiled hoping he would put down the menu and look at me.

He kept looking at his menu, "No problem" he answered shortly.

The smile quickly disappeared from my face. A few minutes later Kristy came back with our drinks. "Are you ready to order?" She looked at Quinn he put down his menu to look at her.

I clenched my fists on the table, as I felt every inch of kindness leave my body. "Yes, I'll take the 12 oz steak medium rare with broccoli and a potatoe."

She scribbled onto her note pad and I couldnt take it anymore. "What would you like?"

I gave both of them the go to help look and Quinn looked confused. "I dont want a damn thing. Quinn you are nothing but a prick, how dare you ask me out on a date. Then you completely ignore me and you dont want to talk, but you answer her with a fucking smile on your face. You wont even look at me. It's over between us! I'll go find a guy who will give me attention." I got up from the table leaving the restaurant.

The restaurant was located on a strip within the city. I easily found a bar with a different atmosphere then the one before. The bar had more of a jazz aura which was calming to the mind. I sat down on the stool beside some guy. "Pour me two shots of vodka" I demanded.

"Coming right up little lady" the bartender said cheerfully.

The guy beside me was wearing a hat and sipping on a beer. "Must be having a rough night?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I just broke up with my asshole boyfriend" I explained. The bartender slid both of my shots over to me. I chugged one glass and shook it up. The taste burned my throat and I questioned if I was making a wise choice

"He must have been pretty dumb to make you want to break up with him. You're gorgeous" he complimented.

"Thank you" I blushed I couldn't help myself. "I'm Brynn" I introduced myself.

"Skylar I go to McWilliams Advanced College" he explained to me.

"Really? I go to Winchester College" I smiled he had gorgeous hazel eyes and nice olive skin. At least I knew he was human.

"Brynn" I heard a voice call my name. I turned around to see Quinn walk into the bar. I ignored him rolling my eyes. "Brynn" he walked up behind me placing his hand on my back. "Can we.. go some place private and talk. Please just...let me explain."

"No I dont want to talk to you" I spat.

"Please Brynn just come with me" it sounded like he was holding his breath. I wondered did I stink or something. He grabbed my arm gently, but I pulled it away

"The lady said she doesn't want to go with you. Why dont you just go on and get out here" Skylar looked at him.

Quinns facial expression became something I had never encountered before. His eyes turned pitch black and his lips curled into a small smirk. I blinked Quinn disappeared then he appeared in the middle of the bar. Everyone was laying where they were at dead. Blood was splattered all over the place. Quinn stood in the middle of the room with pitch black eyes, his mouth covered in blood his fangs poking over his bottom lip.

My human eyes couldn't keep up with untraceable speed. He had moved so fast, that he killed everyone in the bar within the blink of an eye. "What the fuck Quinn!?" I panicked. His iris slowly turned back to their original icy blue color. He looked around at the massacre he had created.

"I-I.. I'm sorry" he apologized. "I... was tr-" I cut him off.

"You were trying to what? If you needed blood then why didn't you bring a blood bag or something? Now what are we going do!? You murdered everyone in this bar. The police are going to show up and see all these innocent people dead! We are going to go to jail again... but for real this time." I begin to pace around the bar frantically.

"Not on my watch" Quinn walked over to one of the bodies grabbing a lighter from their pocket. Then he walked to the back room of the bar and came back with a can of gasoline. He poured the gasoline all over the bodies. Then I followed him outside. Once we were outside he casually tossed the lighter in through the window, causing a huge fire. Then he pulled out his phone and called 911 reporting the fire.

He grabbed my hand led me to his car, then we drove back to the campus. My heart was racing the entire time. "What if someone saw us?"

"Relax they didnt" he tried to calm me. I didnt believe him he still had blood stained on his mouth.

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