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I managed to fall asleep after an hour of trembling and groaning in pain. The next morning I woke up to the sound of the tent being unzipped. My eyes popped opened as I waited for that creature to snatch me out the tent and take my life. Quinn climbed into the tent and zipped it up. "Brynn we need to talk" he said sternly as he sat down beside me.

"Theres.... n-nothing to talk about" I answered trembling once again underneath my sleeping bag. He reached to stroke my cheek, "No!" I screamed.

"Stop screaming" he hissed. "Brynn I would never hurt you. It wasnt me so please dont be afraid of me I love you...." he spoke sweetly.

"You barely know me!" I snapped at him he sounded psychotic.

"I know you enough to know how I feel about you.... but that's not the point. Look we really need to talk but you have got to trust me" he ran his fingers through his dark locks. "You cant freak out... first we need to heal your arm." He looked at his wrist then bit down until blood seeped onto the sleeping bag.

I didnt know what kind of ritual shit he was into, but I was not about to drink his blood like I was a vampire. Gently I sat up and looked at him with a raised eyebrow my body still shaking from shock. "I... what the helllll are you doing? I'm not-" he cut me off.

"Brynn come on please drink it. Do you want your arm to be healed?" He questioned me.

"What the fuck Quinn? I'm not drinking your blood I dont know what kind of witchcraft you into. I'm not!" I told him sternly. He shoved his wrists up to my lips.

"Drink it now" he demanded no remorse on his face. I was scared so I sucked the blood from his wrist. He let out a soft moan, his blood tasted salty but cold at the same time. It was disgusting but I was afraid he was going to hurt me.

Quinn pulled his arm away from me then he grabbed my arm. I winced but I didnt feel any pain, my arm was was hold again. I stretched it out in front of me amazed that it wasnt broken anymore. My mouth slightly parted as my eyes darted to look at Quinn. He had a smirk on his face but his eyes were filled with anger. "What... how did..." I couldnt even get it out.

"Do you trust me Brynn Klein?" He laid out his hand in front of me.

I was skeptical but he was right if he had hurt me, he wouldn't have healed me. I didnt understand how his blood healed me. What was in his blood? What was Quinn Alvarez? Without another thought I took his hand. Quinn led me out of the tent and towards the woods. Once we were far enough away from the campsite. He kneeled down for me to get on his back.

I climbed onto his back wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. "Hold on" he spoke softly before he took of running. My hair flowed in the wind as he zoomed through the woods at an incredible speed. I was pretty sure that we were traveling at the speed of light. Quinn jumped across the river in one try and then we darted up a cliff where we came to a stop at the edge. The cliff stood over a lake that ventured out pretty far. He let me down off his back then turned around to look at me.

My mouth was opened a normal person couldn't run that fast or jump over a river at all. "What are you?" I breathed.

"You promise you wont freak out if I tell you?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I promise" I stood at the edge of the cliff beside him.

"I'm a vampire" he gazed into my eyes waiting for a reaction.

That explained everything the cold and pale skin, the speed, the strength while fighting, and the ability to heal. He was an undead creature. I always thought that they were a myth but they existed.

"How come you dont die in the sunlight or try to suck my blood or any of the other students blood at the college?" I asked curiously.

Quinn chuckled, "You've been watching too much TV. We dont burn up in the sun we have developed a special one time serum to stop that years ago. Human blood is amazing especially when coming from the hosts itself, we own a blood bank so we are always provided with blood packs. We dont need to attack humans, though you still have those who are rebels who do. We try our best to keep attacks on the down low, so our identity isn't at risk all the time." He explained.

I was dumbfounded by everything, "How many vampires go to Winchester?"

"90 percent are vampires and 10 percent are humans."

"And the professors?"

"They are vampires both of them. The only human on the trip are you, Libby, and Jackson He explained to me.

"So that thing that attacked me last night... it must have been a vampire" I mumbled.

Quinn placed his hand under my chin, pulling my chin up so that I was looking into his eyes. "Did you see what they looked like? Was it a Male or a female?"

"I.. I dont know.." which was true.

"It was an it.." I sighed.

Quinn leaned in close pressing his lips against mine. My heart froze in my chest and my knees felt like jelly. His scent was so warm but sweet at the same time. The kiss felt magical he pulled away gazing into my eyes. "I'm sorry Brynn I'll never let that happen to you again. I promise to protect you with my life." I smiled at his words I was attracted to him. There was no way I could stay away from him.

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