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Monday morning came before we knew it and we loaded up on the bus. I sat against the window and Quinn sat next to me. His friends chatted with him along the way. Libby and Jackson sat in front of us.

"So how was the party?" I asked Jackson.

"It was fun but it would have been better if you were there" he gave me a soft smile. Quinn placed his hand on mine which was laying on my leg. I yanked my hand from his because his touch was icy cold.

"You don't want to hold my hand Brynn?" He asked.

"No, your hands are just super cold" I smiled as at him.

"My bad I'm cold natured" he apologized. My mother was cold natured she never felt so cold. He felt as cold as a dead person, which was super scary. I assumed it was just his hands.

After five hours we arrived at our destination, we got off the bus and grabbed our luggage from the side of the bus.

"Alright everyone set up your tents" the professor announced to the group. Two professors had accompanied us on the trip to make sure everything went alright.

"Brynn this way" Quinn grabbed my hand causing me to pull away again.

"Geeze I'll follow you I'm sorry. Your hands are like ice" I laughed.

Quinn smirked, "I wont try to hold your hand again." He set up his tent and I helped a little bit.

"Time to eat everyone the sun will be setting so soon" one of the professors announced.

Professor Wade had made a fire for the camp site, everyone sat down around the camp site and ate roasted weenies with hotdog buns.

A few people begin to tell ghosts stories, while the rest of the students talked amongst themselves. "I'm really tired from today's travel. You ready to go to bed Brynn?" Libby stood up dusting off her Jean's.

"You're not sleeping with me Brynn?" Quinn looked at me with big blue puppy.

"Not tonight Libby asked me to sleep with her but I'll see you in the morning" I assured him. Libby and I walked to her tent he looked kind of hurt. We got dressed for bed within fifteen minutes Libby was passed out snoring in her sleeping bag.

I gazed up at the ceiling for a while then eventually I fell asleep. Later on that night I awoke someone unzipping our tent. My eyes popped open expecting Jackson to open the tent door. Instead it was Quinn his icy blue eyes staring into my soul.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I sat up in my sleeping bag.

"I couldn't sleep without you, please come sleep in my tent" he pleaded.

I smirked, "Awww Quinn is begging me."

He rolled his eyes as I followed him to his tent. I was wearing a tank top and a pair of sleeping shorts. Quinn had on basketball shorts and that was it. We climbed inside of his tent, he zipped it behind us. I laid down beside him and he didnt waste any time before he wrapped his arms around my pulling me close against his chest.

Chills can down my spine because his body was even freezing. His body wasn't as cold as his hands so it was much more bearable. Quinn pressed his face against my hair and took a deep breath. "Is this why you wanted me in your tent so you could have sex with me?"

"I definitely call this cuddling" he whispered. I couldn't help but smile but it was dark so he couldn't see. I fell asleep in Quinn's arms it was nice it had been a while since I had been held in someone's arms.

The sound of birds chirping woke me up and I sat up to see Quinn still laying beside me. He was asleep I gently nudged him. "Wake up sleepy head."

"You come back to bed" he mumbled. I laughed then climbed out of the tint. I walked back to Libbys tint and she was awake.

"Where you go?" She asked me.

"Quinn came and got me last night sorry Libby" I felt bad.

"Dont apologized hes your boo thang I completely understand" she smiled.

I laughed at her remark. We walked to the camp site where the fire was already put out. "Good Morning everyone. We will begin the bathing phase of the trip. Ladies will go take a bath first in the river and you guys will there here and eat breakfast. Libby and I grabbed our towels as well as our clothes. Then we followed the other girls down to the river. I got undressed then eased my way into the water, Libby got in beside me we started bathing.

"I dont know what he sees in her shes ugly. She looks like a little boy apparently now they are dating." Kayla spoke to two other girls. "Yeah shes not going to get away with that."

Libby looked at me with a bit of concern, "I think shes talking about you Brynn."

I rolled my eyes, "I would like to see her try to do something to me. Shes just jealous." Libby nodded then we got out of the river and got dressed.

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