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Jack's Pov

Me and Carrie walk out of our local pub at about 1am, smiling and chatting. We've been going out for about a month or so now, I finally had the courage to ask her and she said yes! We casually stroll down the street, holding hands. Whenever she touches me, I get a warm fuzzy feeling! As we approach the rough area of town, I hold Carrie's hand tight. There are loads of gangs this time of night and I really don't want to meet any of them now. We pass a dark and creepy alley way and to my surprise, Carrie stops. I turn to her.

"Carrie? What's the matter?"

"There's a phone, on the ground. Right there." she points to the pavement and there's a black iPhone just sat on the ground. I look closer to see that it's filming. I pick I up and press the button to make it stop the recording. Carrie has a deep look of concentration on her face.

"Carrie what-"

"It's Diana's phone." She cuts me off and takes it out of my hands.

"Well if it's Diana's phone then where's Diana?" I mutter. Carrie frowns at the phone, then clicks on the photos app. She finds the video that was just recording.

"This could have our answer Jack." She looks up at me as she presses 'play'. There are two girls, Beverley and Hannah I think. Hannah has cornered Bev against a wall. Hannah starts to speak, so I get nearer to catch the words she's saying.

"It's quite easy to understand. Kill Katy and get Dan to fall in love with me." My eyes widen. Did I hear her right?

"You sick sick person. You can't just kill someone because you're jealous of them!" Beverley starts to shout at Hannah. I then here Diana mutter something under her breath.

"No no Bev, stick to the plan." They planned this?

"You're a monster, and you don't deserve Dan." Dan? Hannah wants Dan? Ok I'm so confused. She wants to kill Katy, to get to Dan? Bev then shoves Hannah into the wall. She doesn't look pleased.

"You're going to pay, Beverley Stainer." Hannah draws a knife and walks slowly towards Beverley.

"Jesus Christ," I glance at Carrie, who has tears running down her cheeks. Diana then drops the phone on the floor, so we see nothing but darkness. We can't hear much either, the speakers are all fuzzy. I occasionally hear a yelp or a scream. I stop the recording and turn to Carrie.

"ok. What the hell was that?" I ask. But Carrie isn't looking at me. She's looking at something over my shoulder.

"Beverley!" Carrie cries. I turn around to see Beverley crumpled in a pile on the floor. Carrie wraps her arms around Bev and holds her tight.

"Oh my god Beverley, are you ok? What happened?" Bev sighs and explains her story.

"And then Hannah knocked me out and took Diana away." Bev sobs. I give Bev a hug.

"Shh don't worry, we'll find Diana. But for now we need to get you some help."

"Take me back to my flat." Beverley whispers. I pick her up and start to carry her to safety. Carrie walks next to me, holding Bev's hand as she she slips in and out of consciousness.


Katy's Pov

I wake up at about 2am to people chatting in our living room. What have people become? They know they can't just wake me up this early in the morning! I climb out of bed, and open my bedroom door.

"What the hell do you people think you're doing this early in the morning?" But when I see the sight in front of me, I gasp. Beverley is on the sofa, blood on her face and massive bruises on her head. Carrie, Danni and Charlotte are talking in very loud voices.

"Guys what's going on?" I ask, worriedly.

"Hannah's taken Diana. That's what's happened. Why did you meet her in the first place Bev?" Charlotte shouts at Beverley.

"Because Hannah is demented. She wanted me to kill Katy. Me and Diana were collecting evidence to report to the police." Beverley murmurs back.

"Hang on, what? Hannah sent you to kill me? What the hell?" Everyone falls silent. Danni steps forward.

"Katy, don't worry. We're sorting this all out. She won't lay a finger on you ok?" My eyes fill up with tears and I run out of the room and back to my bedroom. She hurt me before, I know she'll do it again. I lock the door and sob into my pillow. I hear them outside, trying to get in.

"Carrie, phone Dan. He'll need to know about this." Charlottes voice comes from outside.

"But what about Diana?" Beverley sobs.

"Bev. Jack, Finn, PJ and Charlie are looking for her. Don't worry, and get some rest. I'll help you into your bed." Eventually Charlotte manages to get Bev to bed.

"So, what are we going to do with the evidence Diana and Beverley got? Are we going straight to the police?" I head Carrie ask.

"We can't. She's got Diana. If we hand in the evidence, she'll probably kill Diana." Charlotte sighs. I hear someone sniff.

"We will find Diana, right?" Danni whispers.

"Of course. Don't worry she'll be fine." Charly states bravely. There's a knock on the front door.

"That'll be Dan." Carrie mutters. "I'll get it." They let Dan in, and I smile slightly as I here his voice.

"Where is she? Is she ok?"

"She's locked herself in her bedroom. She won't come out." Danni sighs. Dan approaches my door and gently knocks, like Anna in Frozen.

"Katy? Sweetheart please let me in." Fresh tears roll down my face. I slowly get up and unbolt the door. Dan rushes in and looks at my tearstained face. He wraps me in a big hug. I weep silently into his shirt. He sits me down on the bed, and I lay down. He lays next to me and strokes my face. I look into his beautiful dark brown eyes as he wipes my eyes. He doesn't say anything for a few minutes, we just appreciate the silence. He strokes my hair as I hold him close. He looks down into my eyes.

"Your eyes go bright green when you're crying." He smiles. I smile slightly.

"Yeah, my eyes are weird." He kisses me on my forehead and whispers in my ear.

"I won't let her touch you. I'll look after you. She won't tear us apart. I promise."

I cry more at this. I pull him close and kiss him, our lips colliding. It gives me a feeling of hope. Happiness. Hannah won't get me. I believe in him.

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