On the Plane

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As we near the cafe, I see Charlottes bright red hair. You can't miss it. "BooBear!" Yelled Charlotte from across the airport. (Yes that's my nickname. I've had it since I was in secondary school ok?)Jack and Finn turn away, obviously embarrassed. I grin and don't hesitate to yell back, "Hiya Charly!" I can see her smiling. As we approach them, I get the biggest hug ever from Charlotte. "I've missed you!" She squeals. "Ahh I've missed you too!" I say happily. "Where's PJ?"

"He's taken our luggage to get it boarded into the plane," she replys. She then leaves my side to go say hi to the others. I sigh as I see PJ walk into sight. He's so dreamy. He walks up to Charlotte and kisses her like she's the only girl in the world. I try not to be jealous of my best friend but since she's dating the guy I fancy, it's hard not to. "Guys, our plane leaves in 45 minutes, let's go and get ready to board," says Carrie, interrupting my deep thoughts. "Yeah ok" I sigh and trail after them.

After several arguments about who was going to sit next to who on the plane, I put my foot down and decided for them. "Right, Dan you sit next to Phil, Finn and Jack, Carrie and PJ and Charlotte and me ok?"

"Yup" they all said back.

"Good" I mutter under my breath. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn round. It's Dan. "You ok?" He asks me. I put on a smile and say "yes thanks, never better!" But behind him I see Charlotte and PJ chatting and laughing. "Ok then," Dan grins. He grabs my hand. "Come on, they've started to board the plane. I follow him obediently, trying to ignore the jealously in my heart.

On the plane, Charlotte and I are messing round with the mini televisions on the back of the seats. Laughing and chatting, I look behind me at PJ. "He's so perfect," I accidentally say out loud. Charlotte looks at me and says "what the hell?" Oh crap. "Um...well..." I stutter. Suddenly she bursts into fits of laughter. " Oh Katy, your so funny!" She smiles. I turn around and see a massive fat hairy man trying to squeeze down the isle without his belly knocking out any children. "Really, I don't think he's your type! And stop making fun of fat people ok Katy?" Charlotte smiles again and continues watching her film on the telly. Oh god, that was too close.

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