We're a Family

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Katy's Pov

After the ceremony, we walk up a hill to get to the venue for the wedding party. The sight is beautiful. A cobblestone path ran up the side of the hill, and fairy lights weaved through the trees and bushes on the hill. Cute archways with flowers wrapped around them are scattered up the hill. Its gorgeous. PJ and Charly take a detour, so all the guests are waiting for them in the venue. They climb into a pretty little horse and carriage and they get applauded as they ride away from the church. The rest of the guests start to walk up the beautifully decorated hill. Bev grins as she interlocks her fingers with Toby's, Danni and Diana chat and laugh together closely followed by Charlie and Phil. Jack, Finn and Carrie all link arms with each other and skip up the hill. I turn to Dan, who pushes James' pushchair beside me. I plant a small gentle kiss on my son's squidgy forehead and carefully place him in his pushchair. Dan straps him in and gives me a loving embrace. I don't hesitate to hug back, as I want to savour this perfect moment. After we pull apart, he grins at me with his cheeky, irresistible grin. I smile back, then i look at the guests, way ahead of us now.

"We should probably get going baby,"  I mutter gazing into Dan's eyes.

"Not yet, I want to do something first." With that, our lips collied and it was like fireworks went off. It felt just as real and just as amazing as our first kiss, on the boat in Hawaii. We break apart and smile to one another, our noses touching. 

"You two! Stop being so god damn cute and hurry up", Bev shouted from up the hill. Me and Dan both laugh, then we make our way up the hill, with Dan pushing our sleepy baby in the pushchair.

When we finally reach the top, Carrie runs over to us. "You're just in time, Charlotte and PJ are arriving!" The horses pull the carriage up to the grand front doors of the beautiful building. PJ hops out of one side and rushes around to open the door for Charly, tripping on his way and earning a small burst of laughter from the guests. Charly steps carefully down the little stairs and grasps Pj's hand tightly. As they stand together in front of the carriage they receive  loud round of applause. "Now the boring parts over, lets party!" Charly yells and rushes into the building, dragging PJ with her. I laugh to myself and follow the crowd inside the venue. I quickly pull out my vlogging camera and just talk about how amazing the wedding is. Dan bends down and puts his face against mine, and kisses me on the cheek and i cant help but giggle. I'm not vlogging the entire wedding, but Charly and PJ have given me permission to do a vlog today. I feel like all the Charly X PJ shippers will be happy. I put my camera away and grab myself a glass of white wine. After about half an hour later, PJ announces its time for lunch. The staff lead us to a big room, decorated in lights, with large circular tables to seat twelve people. At the far end of the hall theres a long table, with two large chairs that looked like thrones for PJ and Charlotte. Me and Dan find our names at the circular table closest to the bride and groom. We end up sat with Phil, Finn, Jack, Carrie, Bev, Toby, Charlie, Diana and Danni. We ask the staff to remove the final chair from our table, so we can put James' pushchair there instead. We all chat and laugh, today is just so perfect. Theres just one thing on my mind. After the meal, PJ stands up and taps a spoon against his glass.

"Hi everyone, friends, family. Thank you all for joining me and Charly on our special day." The guests all clap, Jack and Finn stand up and scream at the newly wedded couple. After the laughter died down, PJ cleared his throat. "So I've been nervous for this day for a while, and many people have been asking me why. Well, its because i know that Charlotte Liguori is my soulmate. I have no doubt in my mind that we are meant to be together. I've been nervous because I wanted today to be perfect. I didn't want anything to go wrong because Charly deserves it to be perfect. She's such an amazing person and I'm so glad that we can now spend the rest of our lives together. I'm so happy." PJ sheds a tear and Charly stands up and hugs him. PJ then sits down as Charotte begins her speech.

Charly's Pov

I awkwardly stand up in front of all my friends and family and take a deep breath. "I'm so happy that me and PJ have found each other, because he's honestly opened my eyes to the world, and his creativity inspires me every day. I love him. He's perfect and I want to spend my life with him." She smiles and kisses him on the forehead. "I would also like to speak about our friends, and all the things we've done together. The last year and a half has been extremely eventful for our group of friends. I think we all became really close last year, when we went on a group holiday to Hawaii. Me and PJ had only been dating for a little while then. That holiday had some shocks in store, like when Jack got severely injured when jumping off a cliff," Carrie grabbed Jack's hand and squeezed it tightly. "And when Katy nearly drowned whilst trying to save someone who really didn't deserve her help." I see Dan pull Katy closer to him and put his arm around her. "But good things happened too, as Dan and Katy got together, and Carrie realised she has feelings for Jack. When we came home there were problems too. Hannah and Owain tried to tear Katy and Dan apart, and it got serious. They became violent, and there were guns and kidnapping involved." Diana and Bev exchanged weak smiles, Danni puts her head lightly on Diana's shoulder. "And Katy became pregnant with the little baby James!" Everyone smiled and looked towards Katy and Dan. "And Bev and Toby got together," Bev stood up with her arms in the air, whilst Toby went a little bit red. "As far as friends go, I'd say we've been through a lot together. And we've stayed strong. Our bonds of friendship are so strong i doubt they can be broken. I feel like we're not just friends. We're a family. And I love you guys." Everyone stands up and applauds me, I can also see that I brought some people to tears. Me and PJ go and greet our friends and they all just hug us. All of them. Dan, Phil, Katy, Diana, Danni, Bev, Toby, Carrie, Jack, Finn and Charlie. 

I couldn't ask for a better family.


Hey everyone!

Thats it, thats the end of my story. And about time too. I know its taken over a year to complete, but I'm really thankful for the people who have stuck with it until the end. I'd also like to thank four of my closest friends which i included in this story, Danni, Diana, Charly and Bev. You're all amazing and I love you. Now i have got an idea for a sequel, but its up to you guys if you want a sequel or not. So please leave your opinions of the story in the comments, and i'd like to know whether you want a sequel or not. Thanks guys :)

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