Lots of hugs

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Katy's Pov

My eyes flicker open, and I look around the room. I'm laying in my bed. At home. Was it all a dream? I look over and see Dan sat on the seat next to my bed, his face buried in his hands.

"Dan?" I murmur. He looks up at me and hugs me.

"Katy, I'm so glad your ok. I'm so sorry." I return his hug.

"It's ok. I'm so sorry too. I didn't kiss Owain, he kissed me,"

"Yes, we already know. After you were knocked out, Hannah confessed everything. I can't say how sorry I am." He sighs. I pull him close.

"I'm just glad you finally came around," we start to kiss. Oh I've missed his kisses so much. As we're kissing, Phil enters the room.

"Guys! She's awake!" The girls, Carrie, Jack, Finn and PJ all run up the stairs shouting. Me and Dan pull away, and I get hugs from all of them. After we'd calmed down, Carrie says,

"I think we all want to know Katy. How long have you been pregnant for and how did you hide it from all of us?"

"Well, it's nearly been 3 months now-" everyone gasps. I don't think they realised how far in the pregnancy I'd gotten.

"So how the hell did you hide that?" Finn asks shocked.

"the wonders of baggy t shirts!" We laugh. Dan grasps my hand and puts his head on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry we haven't been here for you, and that you had to deal with the baby alone." Dan whispers. The others all nod quietly.

"It's ok. And now you know," I tell them, not wanting them to feel bad.

I turn back to Dan.

"Are you alright with this? Are you ready?" He smiles at me.

"I'm ready. And I'm happy I'll get to spend the rest of my life with you," I grin at him.

"I've missed you guys so much!"

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