The Wedding

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Charlotte's Pov

I sigh quietly as Diana gently tugs at my scalp, putting my hair into a loose, pretty bun. I start to fiddle with my ring as she starts to curl the front of my hair, making cute little ringlets that fall down the sides of my face. I'm so nervous. This is the day I've been waiting for. This is my wedding day. I feel a tap on my shoulder as Diana moves in front of me to study my hair.
"All done," she smiles at me and hands me a mirror. A gasp escapes my lips as I admire Diana's work.
"It's- I'm- oh my god it looks so good!" I squeak. Diana laughs, "So now your makeup and hair have been done, you're all ready. You look stunning Charly." I smile, still looking at my reflection in the mirror.
"Thank you," I whisper. Diana squeezes my hand, to show she heard me. Suddenly, the door opens and Katy, Danni and Bev walk through the door, all wearing beautiful dark red dresses, that cut off just above the knee. They've all had their hair and makeup done, and they look great. As they walk in, Katy stumbles in her black heels, and I giggle. Typical Katy.
"Charlotte, you look beautiful! I want your face." Bev whined. I smile widely and stand up to admire my bridesmaids.
"I don't know why you're looking at us, you should be looking at yourself!" Danni exclaimed. I inhale slowly, and turn to face the full length mirror at the other side of the room. I've avoided looking in it until now, I wanted to be surprised. I gasp. My beautiful wedding dress flows down my body and ends just above my ankles. My heels have a slight sparkle to them, and my veil falls down my back and onto the floor behind me. I'm truly the bride I've always wanted to be. I feel tears of happiness threaten to escape, but I don't let them fall. Diana will freak if I ruin her perfect makeup.

About 30 minutes later, we're all completely ready. We've taken lots of pictures and selfies and we're finally ready. My mum pops her head round the door, and bursts into tears, constantly telling me how great I looked. When she went to take her seat, reality dawned on me. In about fifteen minutes, my dad will be leading me down the aisle, and PJ Liguori will become my husband. A woman hands me my bouquet, made up of beautiful red and white roses as I stand ready and waiting. I turn around to see my bridesmaids. Danni and Bev and holding the end of my veil, and Diana and Katy are stood behind them. Katy's holding her now two month old baby, who they named James. James Howell. He's so cute. I practically demanded Katy to hold him as we walk down the aisle. He's wearing a cute little shirt and trousers, looking very smart. Katy grins at me and I smile back at her. I turn back around, and take a deep breath. This is it. My dad taps me on the shoulder, and holds out his arm. I gladly take it, and try to keep as calm as possible. I think he can tell I'm scared.
"Don't worry, it'll be okay. I'm sure of it. You look beautiful and this wedding will be amazing." I smile at him.
"Thanks dad." Before I can say anything else, the doors open and I'm faced with a room full of people, looking at me. The music starts to play, and my dad starts to lead me down the aisle. But all the nerves drain out of me as I see the man waiting for me at the end of the aisle. His eyes widen as he sees me, and then he smiles. I bite my lip slightly and smile back at him. As I make my way further down, I look around at the people that have attended my special day. I see Jack and Finn, seated next to a sobbing Carrie. Toby dressed up in a smart tux, grinning wildly at me and Bev. In the row in front of them is Dan and Phil. Phil makes eye contact with me and pokes his tongue out at me, and I try not to giggle. However, I am not Dan's main focus. He's staring behind me, and as he does so he quickly wipes a tear from his eye. I hear James gurgle and laugh behind me and I smile to myself. After what seemed like a lifetime, I reach the end of the longest walk of my life. My dad kisses my forehead, and smiles approvingly at PJ as he hands me to him. I look up at my soon to be husband, and admire how good he looks in a suit. The priest starts the ceremony, but I can't focus on what he's saying. I'm too busy looking at the wonderful man stood next to me. I'm soon knocked out of my trance when the priest clears his throat.
"Do you, Charlotte Lane, to accept this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I look at PJ dead in the eye and say with confidence, "I do." The priest then goes on to talk to PJ, but I don't break eye contact with my lover.
"And do you, PJ Liguori, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He smiles at me, and says loudly, "I do." I faintly hear the priest say something else, then my world gets turned upside down. PJ kisses me. And it's amazing. I wrap my arms round his neck as I passionately kiss him back. He smirks happily as we break our kiss and look out at our applauding guests. PJ then leans his forehead on mine.
"I love you Charly"
"I love you Peej."

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