*Merry Christmas

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After such a difficult and hard working first term Briar was incredibly relieved to be heading home for the Christmas holidays to see her dad. They spent a few days at home together before heading to the Burrow for Christmas

On Christmas eve the mood was joyful as the voice of Mrs Weasley's favourite singer, CelestinaWarbeck was warbling out of the large woodenwireless set. Briar had just been taking a mince pie from the kitchen before heading to the living room and sitting with her father, conveniently close to Harry and Arthur

"Has it been busy atthe Ministry?" Harry was asking him 

"Very," said Mr. Weasley. "I wouldn't mind if we weregetting anywhere, but of the three arrests we've made in thelast couple of months, I doubt that one of them is a genuineDeath Eater - only don't repeat that, Harry," he addedquickly

"They're not still holding Stan Shunpike, are they?" askedHarry. 

"I'm afraid so," said Mr. Weasley. "I know Dumbledore'stried appealing directly to Scrimgeour about Stan...I mean,anybody who has actually interviewed him agrees that he'sabout as much a Death Eater as this satsuma...but the toplevels want to look as though they're making some progress,and 'three arrests' sounds better than 'three mistaken arrestsand releases'...but again, this is all top secret."

"I won't say anything," said Harry. "Mr. Weasley, you know what I told you at the stationwhen we were setting off for school?" Now Briar grew curious

"I checked, Harry," said Mr. Weasley "I went andsearched the Malfoy's house. There was nothing, eitherbroken or whole, that shouldn't have been there." 

"Yeah, I know, I saw in the Prophet that you'd looked...but this is something different...Well, something more..." and he began to tell Mr Weasley about overhearing Draco and Snape talk about some mission that Snape wanted to help him with

"Has it occurred to you, Harry," said Mr. Weasley, "thatSnape was simply pretending -?"

"Pretending to offer help, so that he could find out whatMalfoy's up to?" said Harry quickly. "Yeah, I thought you'dsay that.But how do we know?" 

"It isn't our business to know," Remus spoke up and Harry and Mr Weasley turned to the Lupins "It's Dumbledore's business. Dumbledore trustsSeverus, and that ought to be good enough for all of us." 

"But," said Harry, "just say - just say Dumbledore's wrongabout Snape -" 

"People have said it, many times. It comes down towhether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgment. I do;therefore, I trustSeverus." Remus said

"But Dumbledore can make mistakes," argued Harry. "Hesays it himself. And you, do you honestly like Snape?"

"No" Briar answered

"I neither like nor dislike Severus," said Remus "No, Harry, Iam speaking the truth," he added, as Harry pulled a skepticalexpression. "We shall never be bosom friends, perhaps; afterall that happened between James and Sirius and Severus,there is too much bitterness there. But I do not forget thatduring the year I taught at Hogwarts, Severus made the Wolfsbane Potion for me every month, made it perfectly, sothat I did not have to suffer as I usually do at the full moon." 

"But he 'accidentally' let it slip that you're a werewolf, soyou had to leave!" Briar cried

Remus shrugged "The news would have leaked out anyway.We all know he wanted my job, but he could have wreakedmuch worse damage on me by tampering with the potion.He kept me healthy. I must be grateful." 

"Maybe he didn't dare mess with the potion withDumbledore watching him!" said Harry. 

"You are determined to hate him, Harry," said Remus with afaint smile. "And I understand; with James as your father, withSirius as your godfather, you have inherited an old prejudice.By all means tell Dumbledore what you have told Arthur andme, but do not expect him to share your view of the matter;do not even expect him to be surprised by what you tell him.It might have been onDumbledore's orders that Severus questioned Draco."

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