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Over the next few days at Shell Cottage the inhabitants could hardly fail to notice that something was going on now that Harry, Ron and Hermione only emerged for mealtimes. But on the bright side, Griphook and Mr Ollivander were feeling better, so Mr Ollivander would be moving to Muriel's that night

His goodbye was a sad one, yet a good one, given that now the rest of them had more room in the house. Bill had only just returned from moving him when there was a bang on the front door. 

Everyone's head turned toward it. Fleur came running out of the kitchen, looking frightened;Bill jumped to his feed, his wand pointing at the door; Harry, Ron,and Hermione did the same. Briar held a flame in her hand. Silently Griphook slipped beneaththe table, out of sight. 

"Who is it?" Bill called. 

"It is I, Remus John Lupin!" called a voice over the howling wind. Briar dropped her hand and her heart pounded in excitement "I am a werewolf, married to Nymphadora Tonks, and you, theSecret-Keeper of Shell Cottage, told me the address and bade mecome in an emergency!" 

"Lupin," muttered Bill, and he ran to the door and wrenchedit open.Lupin fell over the threshold. 

He was white-faced, wrapped ina traveling cloak, his graying hair windswept. He straightened up,looked around the room, making sure of who was there, then his eyes settled on Briar

"Oh, honey," he cried and threw his arms around her and Briar did the same, just as tight. Both of them holding onto each other for dear life. Remus had heard of their escape from Malfoy Manor, and he couldn't believe she had come out okay. "You're okay" he continued to mutter to himself, and Briar dug her fingers into his travel cloak

When they finally parted from the hug, Remus's eyes were shining with tears and he looked to the rest of the group too "It's a boy!" He cried and Briar clasped her hands over her mouth. How had it already been 9 months? She actually had a sibling "It's a boy! We've named him Ted, after Dora's father!" 

Hermione shrieked. "Wha—? Tonks—Tonks has had the baby?"

"Yes, yes, she's had the baby!" shouted Remus. All around thetable came cries of delight, sighs of relief: 

Hermione and Fleur bothsquealed, "Congratulations!" 

And Ron said, "Blimey, a baby!" asif he had never heard of such a thing before. Briar had thrown her arms around her dad again and for the first time in a while, the smile on her face was one of genuine happiness

"Yes—yes— a boy," said Remus again, who seemed dazed byhis own happiness. "Briar, Tonks and I want you to be not only his sister, but his godmother too"

"Of course!" she squealed and hugged him again

When she released him ae strode around the table and hugged Harry;the scene in the basement of Grimmauld Place might never havehappened. "You'll be godfather?" he said as he released Harry. 

"M–me?" stammered Harry. 

"You, yes, of course—Dora quite agrees, no one better— " 

"I—yeah—blimey— " Harry nodded

Bill washurrying to fetch wine, and Fleur was persuading Lupin to jointhem for a drink. "I can't stay long, I must get back," said Remus, beaming aroundat them all "Thank you, thank you, Bill" Bill had soon filled all of their goblets, they stood and raisedthem high in a toast. 

"To Teddy Remus Lupin" said Briar "a great wizard in themaking!"

"'Oo does 'e look like?" Fleur inquired. 

"I think he looks like Dora, but she thinks he is like me. Notmuch hair. It looked black when he was born, but I swear it'sturned ginger in the hour since. Probably blond by the time I getback. Andromeda says Tonks's hair started changing colour the daythat she was born." He drained his goblet. "Oh, go on then, justone more," he added, beaming, as Bill made to fill it again. 

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