*End of Third Year

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Hogwarts wasn't the same. Briar used to walk through the hallways with a smile and a spring in her step, but now that she knew Voldemort was back, and that the Death Eaters had come so close to getting Harry, and her, she walked with her eyes scanning the scene around her and constantly looked over her shoulder

Rumours of what had happened in the graveyard where Cedric died floated everywhere, and everyone had a different story. But Briar believed every word Harry had said.

That the cup was a portkey which took them there, Wormtail had killed Cedric, then he had brewed a potion to revive Voldemort and had used Harry's blood in it, how Voldemort summoned his Death Eaters, and then challenged Harry to a duel. But their wands had connected and ghosts had appeared from the connection, including Harry's parents. They had tricked Voldemort which gave Harry his chance to escape.

Remus and Sirius had been on high alert since that night and Briar constantly found them exchanging hushed whispers and looks during the day

Something else that added to her problems was the fear she carried of Theo. The day after the tournament she had hardly left her dorm, and everyone chalked it down to what happened to Harry, but Remus knew why she was really so anxious. But on their final morning at Hogwarts she had come down to breakfast with her friends and when Theo walked into the hall her shoulders tensed

On the right side of his face was a bruise covering his cheekbone and eye, but weirdly he also carried a split lip and a mildly less purple bruise on his jaw on the left side of his face

Briar's first guess was that Sirius had gone after him too, but then her eyes landed on a blonde haired boy across the hall from her. Draco had his right hand on the table and Briar could see that his knuckles were cracked and red.

He seemed to feel her staring at him so he looked up and met her gaze. Her eyes were filled with confusion and he knew what she was thinking. So he just raised his eyebrows, grinned, and looked away again.

It was only as everyone began to file out of the castle to head to the Hogwarts Express that Briar decided to do something about it and pulled the blonde boy behind one of the pillars of the train platform

"What did you do to Theo?" She asked him

"No idea what you're talking about," He shrugged but Briar could see a proud glint in his eyes

"He didn't have those bruises two days ago," She said "So what did you do? You never liked him"

"Nott got what he deserved" He said nonchalantly "I know he was hitting you"

"So?" Briar said

"So he's a prat," Draco said 

"I know but why did you do it?" she asked "Over the last three years you've hardly said a nice word to me and now you're defending my honour? Why?"

"You can do better," Draco shrugged. But Briar wasn't having it and folded her arms, giving him a look that he knew meant she wasn't letting go of this yet. So Draco sighed and dropped his gaze, taking a deep breath before looking back at her "You're not my favourite person at Hogwarts, but that doesn't mean I think it's okay for Theo to hit you"

"So you actually have some human feelings?" Briar asked with fake surprise and Draco rolled his eyes "I'm honoured"

"You should be," He said "Now that I know you'll just make fun of me for being human I won't do it again"

"Sure," she laughed and he began to walk away "Draco!" He turned around just before rounding the pillar and was surprised to see her staring at him with an earnest, grateful look "Thank you"

In The Shadows² ★ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now