*Dementors on the train

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The entire group from the Leaky Cauldron had been escorted to the Hogwarts express platform by Ministry cars. Mr Weasley said it was because Harry and Ron had destroyed his car last year by flying it to Hogwarts into the Whomping Willow, but after the conversation Harry and Briar overheard last night they had a feeling it was more to do with Sirius Black

So Briar was relieved when she finally was free from the piercing gaze of Mr and Mrs Weasley as the Hogwarts express rolled away from Kings Cross Station

But on her return from the bathroom, she unfortunately bumped into none other than Draco Malfoy

"Lupin" He smirked "I heard about what happened down in the Chamber. Shame you fainted before you even got to see the basilisk itself. I mean for all we know, that story about Potter is a load of rubbish"

"Why? Are you jealous that people in the school think he's cooler than you? Newsflash, he always has been" Briar smiled falsely 

"The only story about Potter anyone cares about is how the Dark Lord killed his parents" Draco chuckled

"Back off," she snapped "I may not have both parents but that's better than having two parents who are miserable, cold bitches"

"You don't even know them" He said

"Well you're a miserable, cold bitch so it's not hard to see where you got it" She replied and he rolled his eyes "Ok I have to go so..."

"Wait Lupin," Malfoy sighed before she could get away "I did actually want to say that I hope you're alright after that. I've heard stories of Tom Riddle from aunt Bella and even I don't want to meet him"

"Oh" Briar was surprised. She knew Draco didn't hate her, but to hear him actually checking on her wellbeing and admit he was even slightly scared of a person was the most unexpected thing she had ever heard "Um, thanks I guess"

With that said she quickly hurried away, back to her compartment with Ginny and Henry

"Have you found your dad yet?" Ginny asked her

"No," she sighed "But I'll see him at Hogwarts so it's not the end of the world I guess"

"True" Henry nodded "God I can't wait for the feast" As if on cue, the train suddenly began to slow "Oh good, we must be close"

Ginny furrowed her brows and looked out of the window at the landscape around them, no castle or Black lake in sight "I don't think we are"

"Then why are we slowing down?" He asked

By now the train had fully ground to a halt and the three of them looked around in concern "Let's go find the others," suggested Briar 

But the sky outside had turned dark with the night, and the lights inside the train were now out. So navigating their way through it in the darkness was nearly an impossible task, and they only knew they had found the right compartment when they heard voices coming from it

So Ginny slid the door open

"Who's that?" A voice asked

"Who's that?" Briar replied



"What are you doing?" she asked 

"I was looking for Ron —" Ginny said 

"Come in and sit down —" 

"Not here!" Harry exclaimed when he felt legs brush against his own "I'm here!" 

"Ouch!" cried Neville when Henry squished in next to him

"Quiet!" said a hoarse voice suddenly, a voice Briar recognised

In The Shadows² ★ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now