cнαpтєя 6

785 30 5

"What do you want?" I asked not looking so bothered about it.

"I ..er..wanted to say sorry for what Tara did" he replied scratching his head.

"Its fine" I replied "that tart is gonna get what's coming for her anyway" I mumled under my breath causing him to snap upto me. "What?" he asked curiously.

"Nothing. Is that all you wanted to say?" I asked throwing my arms across my chest.

"Yeah..were okay though right?" he asked innocently, with that adorable face nobody would have turned away. I gave him a small smile and nodded "Yeah ofcourse".

"Good! Because I dont want to see you upset" he said digging his hands into his pockets, I swear this guy was nervous; but why? 

Why the hell woud he care if I was upset or not..I never mattered before so why now? and plus he's got a girlfriend, unfortunately.

Snapping from my thoughts I replied "Thanks" giving him a shy smile. I really dont know why but  he stopped walking and turned to look at me; causing me to stop aswell in confusion. "Something wrong?" I asked

"Yeah actually..I didnt get you back" Before I could reply back or do anything...his saliva was once again on my cheek, making me chase him.

After 20 minutes of running after each other, we decided to take a break. We sat on the grass in the fields where sport classes would come out and practise for their games.

My legs tucked into my chest with my arms around my knees whilst he was lying down.

"She's going to stop you from talking to me isn't she?" I asked wanting to know if he wanted and liked spending time with me. I mean was he spending time with me because he enjoyed it or because he wanted to see chaos between me and his girlfriend?

"Just because she's my girl, doesnt mean she can tell me what to do" he replied sternly probably getting pissed at why I aked him such a question and sat up. "Well you do most of the things she says don't you?" I asked since there were rumours about her bossing him around.

"Yeah, minor things..not everything" he said not looking so happy that I knew about the rumor I guess.

How did such a big hearted guy meet such a stone hearted slut?! And how on earth did they start dating, I'm sure he must've disliked some of the way she acted..right?

As if reading my thoughts he went on.

"Well..we..were introduced by our friends, I don't really know why myself but my friends forced me to go out with her..as you can see I didn't get much of a say as I dont like hurting people's feelings so I couldn't actually say no" He replied looking down at the grass.

I could tell there was a bit of regret the way he spoke. "I didnt even like her, forget love but by being with her everday I found feelings towards her. The way she acted sometimes really got on my nerves...like today. Your probably thinking do I love her...well no..I dont, It's just feelings" He continued.

I could see the honesty in his words, lifting up his head and meeting my gaze, his chocolate brown eyes glistened as always as our eyes locked onto eachother; we stared at eachother again.

I felt like we were the only people on the fields, like I was the only girl in the world with his eyes on me.

He came closer filling in the gap between our faces, I suddenly felt so hot as the heat from his body warmed me up. 

I could feel myself falling..falling hard for him. But ofcourse I couldn't show him that...or tell him that I had feelings for him, it would ruin our friendship. We were nose to nose his eyes making me gaze into them deeply.

Suddenly a masculine voice appeared out of no where and shouted "Hey your not supposed to be here making out, its 4.30, get off school site now!"

Our gaze was broken as we both turned around finding a cleaner walking towards us.

We both looked at each other and burst out laughing into fits as he got up grabbing my hand and dragging me with him. We ran as fast as we could to try and not get caught on school site again, he led us into an alley surrounded by bushes.

Why havent I been here before?

I just followed behind him as he still held onto my hand, before I knew it we were led into a little park with swings, slides and round-a-bouts it was so cute. There were parents and little kids playing and running around.

Liam chuckled away as he saw my facial expression that was sort of nostalgic as I remembered a few of my child hood memories playing in the park with my mum and dad...ofcourse not anymore.

I snapped back into reality when I saw his smile as he said "Wishing you was young again?" he asked rhetorically, but before I could reply he dragged me again and said "Well Jessie, now's your chance to be a kid again" 

We both start laughing as we went upto two sets of swings.

We stayed playing in the park and tolerating the embarassing moments where little kids were laughing at us but we didn't care.

Not keeping track of what time it was as we were so held up in 'having fun', I realized it was 6 o'clock. It was getting dark and Liam suggested he walked me home...just in case.

As we reached my house we stood outside as I thanked him "Thanks for walking me home 'just in case" I mimicked his words from earlier on.

He smiled and replied "Now we don't want you missing the next day from school, do we?" he asked rhetorically aswell as sarcastically.

I'm very sure Tara would I thought. I just smiled at him as it was getting sort of awkward. "Well urm.. good night and I guess I'll see you tomorrow" I said giving him a small smile.

"Uh yeah goodnight" he replied nervously.

I turned around to walk upto my door when he grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me into him, bumping into his hard chest he whispered "Jessie?" I was shocked at his action and couldn't move. "Mmm" Is all I answered because of how close we were, our eyes met once again making me fall into them.

He leaned in closer and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek.

My eyes automatically closed as I felt like I was falling into a pool of soft and smooth rose petals. His lips were soft and gentle as he whispered "Sweetdreams Jessie". He let go and walked off as I stood there stunned.

I was dreaming right? Somebody pinch me...I pinched myself....damn it was real.

* The next chapter will be Liam's POV :)

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