"You should have just let me cut his penis off." Shea said flopping on her bed. 

Ren and Zima smiled. "I would have loved that but then you get sent to prison, and we need your strength." Zima told her. 

The girls laughed the night, and stayed positive. 

. . . 

Aki woke up the next morning to see his lawyer standing behind his cell door.

"What the hell have you gotten yourself into?" Aika said. Her long brown hair ran down her waist. She had her hands on her hips, and sparking grey eyes. A south Asian women born from immigrant Indian parents. 

"About damn time you showed up." Aki said slowly getting up and rubbing his eyes. 

She grinned. "Its been a while since I've seen you, I heard your married now. An beautiful African women. I also heard you and your siblings are getting along now that's a even bigger shocker. By the way hows Shea?"

"Listen we need to fix this first before we catch up with what going on with our lives. Have you started working on anything?"

Aika rolled her eyes, "Only business when it comes to you, but yes I did a little research. Turns out I was able to find out that Haunt has been tracking your every move by having his own mystery ninjas spy on you."

Aki blinked in shock, how was that possible?

"Your careful but not careful enough." Aika told him. "I think I have a way to get you as non-guilty but the only advice I can give you now is don't answer any questions the courts of Justice might ask. Only during the trail you answer questions, other than that you have the right to be silent."

Aika went over through the cell bar, and reached for his hand. "I won't allow the only person that had hope for me in the past to rot in here. I'll get you out playing dirty." She let go and started to leave. "Oh and tell Shea I said hi." She winked and left.

Aki sighed and slid down against the wall. Hopefully Zima arrived soon so he can take his bath. 

Shin came 20 minutes later. 

He bowed and stood near Aki's cell door. "Zima and the rest will be coming soon. I've been informed that Haunt kicked them out the palace, and tried to sexually harm Ren."

Aki looked at him in shock, then changed to anger. 

"Where did they stay last night?" He asked.

"With Mamoru they will be staying with Mamoru." Shin told him. "I've gotten kicked out living in the council grounds for refusing to work for Haunt."

"Where did you stay last night." Aki asked him. 

"I slept on the street under a bridge, I don't want to overcrowd Mamoru's home."  Shin replied. 

All of them, all of them choose the harder path, the loyal path, then betraying him and working for Haunt. They would rather suffer then work for Haunt. Aki could not lose this battle because not only will he lose everything but they will too. 

"Shin I promise once I get the throne back you won't ever have a homeless night again," Aki told him.  

"I would rather forever have homeless nights then be wealthy while working for Haunt. I will never see him as my emperor," Shin bowed and left the room to allow Zima to come in. 

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