"This woman is a doctor as well and far more knowledge than me about this type of stuff." Everyone circled around him to see where he was pointing on the map. His finger was on a country called Russia. "In Russia, the city Oymyakon there is a Forrest where this woman lives. She a doctor for unidentifiable abilities. I'm sorry that I don't know any in Japan. You are my first patient I ever had that might have an superhuman ability, and identifiable chakra. These type of cases are rare."

"Whats her name," Kaito asked with his arms crossed.

"Lady Olga. I've never met her before but all doctors around the world know who she is from textbooks and news that sounds unbelievable." The doctor walked away from the map and stood in front of Aki. "Lord Aki you must pack up and leave for Russia to to see Lady Olga as soon as possible leaving this untreated can lead to death and danger."

Zima tighten her hold on Aki's hand. Aki sighed, and nodded this was all unbelievable but the last thing he wanted to to lose his life when the first time ever in his young life he was happy. He couldn't leave his wife, family, and friends behind. The village of Grace needed him, and the stolen item was going to have to wait.

"Shin," Aki started turning to Shin. "Our departure will be tomorrow in the afternoon, please inform the people tomorrow morning about my leaving and say its just a business trip. Zima, Hino, Kaito, Shea, and Ren will attend me on the trip. I leave the village in your hands to care for while we are gone. Don't disappointment me"

Shin was shocked this was a big responsibility he was taking on, the young emperor was putting a huge amount of trust into him. "Yes Lord Aki," he said bowing. 

Aki then addressed the whole group, "No one must know about our trip, anyone asks its just a business trip." Everyone agreeded, and nodded as well. 

"One thing to take in mind," the doctor stated."Dress for the cold extremely cold where Lady Olga resides."

Everyone nodded, and the doctor wished them luck. They left the hospital and went back to the palace to start packing up tomorrow. Once they reached home everyone was quite and went their separate ways to start packing. 

Aki found some wool coats from Zima and handed them to her. "This would be your first mission, and its a dangerous one." Aki told her.

Zima smiled at him, "I'm ready to take on anything." She moved in for a kiss and Aki allowed her. She started to tug on Aki's kimono, hinting for him to take is off. Aki broke the kiss before he could fall into her trap. 

"We can't do it now, we need to finish packing," Aki told her walking to his suitcase.

Zima pouted wrapping her arms behind him, "It's been a while."

Aki gently took hold of her chin, "At least lets finish packing first."

Zima let him win this round, "Fine but make sure to also pack a whole bunch of condoms, because I'm not done with you." Aki's face turned red and he went back to packing, and finding Zima winter coats. 

Meanwhile Kaito and Hino were in discourse. 

"This is insane what if we die, Russia is a long journey from here," Hino yelled flopping down on his bed. 

Kaito grinned climbing over him, "I won't allow that." They had already finished packing and were about to call it a night. 

"Did you pack lube and condoms?" Hino asked. 

"Of course," Kaito responded just as Kaito was about to lean in for a kiss there was a knock on there door. Hino growled annoyed and went to go open it. 

"What the hell do you-" Hino stopped once he opened the door and saw it was Ren. She was in her pajamas and and looked gloomy. Hino wasn't in fighting mood so he decided to give her a break. 

"Did you finish packing?" He asked her. 

She nodded. 

"Mostly stuff for the cold right?" Hino asked her.

She nodded again. "I just wanted to...It's nothing actually." She started but never finished her sentence, and started to walk away from Hino. 

Hino sighed, "If you feeling a little lonely you can always come to me or Kaito." He called out to her. She immediately brighten up and ran to her room, to get a blanket, and pillow, and ran back to Hino's room. 

'What the hell did I just create,' though Hino as Ren made some room for herself. 

"Everyone is coupled up and Ren is too busy, and I didn't make any friends the first day of school, and I'm kinda nervous for tomorrow so please at least keep me some company," Shea begged. 

Kaito laughed and ruffled her hair, "It's fine kid, why don't we play some chess for the rest of the night." Kaito got the board and Ren sat across from him. 

Hino sighed and told Kaito he'll be heading to bed ready for the big departure day tomorrow. 

. . . 

Author's Note: Things are finally getting more in-depth. I'm psyched for this. Vote. Comment. Share. Tell me what you guys think!!!

Here is Shea's character deign and mood-board.

Here is a song I that matches her well: Ariana Grande - God Is a Woman

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Here is a song I that matches her well: Ariana Grande - God Is a Woman

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