Chapter 28 ~Post Traumatic Stress~

Start from the beginning

"I can't do that." I glared at her. She didn't know what we had been through. Thinking that made me feel like a typical teenage girl. In every movie, the teenage girl would always say "You don't understand. This is true love." Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But this was not a typical situation to say the least.

"He's the reason you've nearly been killed how many times now?"

"Three, but it's not like it's his fault. He doesn't even want to be a part of all that shit anymore." I said, trying to pretend like it didn't matter. It does matter, but it's not like I'm going to leave Harry for it. All he ever does is try to protect me. I love him. Even if we broke up, things wouldn't get any better anyway.

"You're acting like this is completely normal, Charlotte! He's going to get you killed! I don't care that he's suicidal and needs someone or whatever. I need you. I don't need him. You're important to me and I'm not going to let that asshole put you in danger anymore. You haven't even gone to the library in almost a week because you're so scared to go out. He gets himself into more trouble every single day. I don't care how nice he is. If he comes in a package deal with all that garbage, you should have no part in it."

"I get where you're coming from. Hear me out, though. I can actually live without him. I'm independent. I've done it before. We've worked through that toxic part of this messed up relationship. But I truly feel like I don't want to live without him. I want to do life with him everyday and it makes me happy. If I want to stay with him after being kidnapped and tortured by some low life, then that should really be making a statement, ok? I want to be with him and I really don't give a shit if you agree with me or not. You're only seeing the bad things. He's done so much for me that you just don't see."

"I get that, I do. I just feel like you've gotten yourself into a situation where you can't even break up with him now because if you do, you'll get attacked again- just like you did when he left before. Aren't you afraid he's going to leave you because then you'll be in danger? You shouldn't have to fear for your life when he's not around. That's not the typical protective boyfriend, Charlotte. That's something else."

"We've talked about that before and he'd still make sure that they left me alone even if we broke up. Don't worry about it so much, alright? Everything's going to be fine."

"I don't want to be a part of it either, Charlotte." Madison nearly shouted, like the words had been bubbling up inside of her and finally burst out.

"Are you saying that you don't want to be my friend anymore?" The power I had in my voice earlier, died completely. I couldn't go on without my best friend in my life.

"No, that's not what I'm saying at all. Of course I want to be your friend, Charlotte. I'm just... I'm scared, ok? I wish that there was a way that he could have that part of his life and it not effect you at all." I knew what she meant. I knew that she didn't want to be around me anymore. It hurt. I can't remember living a life without her. She'd been there through everything... for so long.

"I do too, but that's not how it works and I'm ok with that. I hope you are too." I said. She nodded and took my hand.

"I just care about you. I won't watch my best friend die."

"You won't have to. Hey, I have to tell you something." I smiled. I figured now would be a good time to tell her. i just hoped she wouldn't tear my head off for not telling her sooner. "Remember when we were at Starbucks that one day and you said that that boy on the other side of the room was really cute and that we should go over there?" I recalled. She had a puzzled expression but nodded. "His name is Liam and he's with Harry. The other guy he was with is named Zayn and I don't really like him. He seems like a good enough person but he's still mean to me. Liam is too, but Liam's trying really, really hard to be my friend now. I was wondering if you wanted to meet him, still?"

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