Riddles & Frontotemporal demensia

Start from the beginning

" He told me not to tell and we can call Allison and Derek also for more help."

" How do we know Jenny isn't the one who took him and then came back to look like she did nothing wrong. Do I have to remind you that she is also a Demon.", says Aiden.

" You think I have something to do with this! You know what at least I didn't have to kill someone unlike you! Yeah I know what you've done before I got here."

" Guys it's no time to fight. I trust Jenny and I don't think Jenny would ever put Stiles in any harm", says Scott.

" Thanks, Scott", I say giving Scott a hug.

" This is touching it really is, but I'm calling the cops, you promised not to call but I didn't", says Lydia dialing 911.

" We don't need to sheriff station is only 5 minutes away."

" Lydia, you and Aiden should stay here maybe Stiles could have left a clue to where he was", I suggest.

" That's a good idea. We'll stay here and text you if we find anything", Lydia says.

Scott, Isaac, and I go to the sheriff station and tell everything to sheriff Stilinski.

" Okay, check for anywhere that matches the description of what they just said and try to find Stiles's jeep", Sheriff Stilinski says to Deputy Parrish. He then closes the door to his office. " Alright is there anything that you know that can't be shared to the other cops?"

" Wait he knows about the whole supernatural stuff?", I ask.

" Yeah, we told him a couple of weeks ago.", says Scott.

" So what are you?", asks Sheriff Stilinski.

" I'm a Delta werewolf and I'm also half Demon."

" First of all i didn't even think that was possible and second so that means your the enemy sorta.", says sheriff Stilinski trying to figure everything out.

" Well it's very possible my mother was a werewolf and my father is a demon and now usually you get just one supernatural power but I got two because I was born on a special day that allowed my werewolf side to be stronger making me a delta but still letting me have my demon side and second I guess yes I'm kinda the enemy in a way."

" Well this is confusing as ever", sheriff Stilinski says.

We were interrupted by deputy Parrish telling us that they found Stiles's car.

" You guys go I'm going to stay here.", I say.

" Why?", Isaac asks.

" I just have a feeling but go."

They all ran out the building to go to Stiles's car leaving me to wonder where he could possibly be.

Stiles POV

It was dark and my foot was killing me. I pull out my phone and use the flashlight on it to look around the place that I am trapped in. I look at my leg and it's covered in blood. I yell in pain. I use my phone again to look around hoping that maybe I could find something to help get my foot out of the trap, but instead I find someone writing something on the wall with chalk.

" Who are you?", I ask

Whoever it was stayed quiet. He began to stand up and drop the chalk that he was using to write whatever on the wall. I look at the chalk and back at him. He was gone! All that was left was the number 5, but even soon it disappeared.

Jenny's POV

"Parish can I see the conversation between Scott and Stiles", I ask.

Parish gives me the conversation between Scott and Stiles. There is a slam at the door and out walked in Agent McCall making me look up from what I was reading.

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