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As I walked home, I heard a honking car behind me. But I decided to ignore it since it was probably just some random person whose car was being blocked by something.

Little did I know that the car was actually following me. I had turned and crossed so many blocks and the car was still behind me.

Maybe they live near me?

But if they do, why are they driving so slow?

"Hey young lady, want a ride?"

sunghoon pov

"Good job today guys." Heeseung Hyung said as he grabbed his stuff and left the dance hall with Jungwon right behind him.

We had just finished practicing.

"I'm so damn tired tired." Niki exclaimed as he collapsed on the floor. Jakes eyes flew open widely as he ran over to Niki and flicked his forehead.

"Don't swear, you're a child." He hissed, but only earning a laugh from Niki.

"Come on Jake hyung, damn isn't even a swear word." Niki pouted, making Jake furrow his eyebrows. "Am I the Australian one here or are you, Riki-san?" Jake replied.

"Aww Jakey, goodie two shoes as always." I laughed as I walked over to him and ruffled his hair.

"Yeah come one Jake, let the kid live." Jay added as he got up from the wooden floor with his backpack and waved us goodbey as he left the room with a provocative smile towards Jake.

We just love making fun of him.

"Ughh, I've had enough of you guys for one day." Sunooo also got up from the floor and grabbed his backpack as well. Niki also got up and followed Sunoo out of the practice room since they go home together.

It was just me and Jake left.

"Man I'm so glad you moved here." Jake said as he started packing his stuff.

I shot him a smile.

"So am I. My figure skating contract is fully over so now I can just focus on Enhypen. It's good to only have one thing to focus on." I sighed in relief. I'll defines miss being a pro figure skater, but I'm also excited to give 110% to Enhypen. I was lucky enough to debut even though my skating contract wasn't over.

I also finally moved to Enhypens dorm as well.

"Yeah I can imagine." Jake said while taking out his phone that had started ringing and putting it to his ear. After a few seconds, he turned to me and asked, "do you need a ride home?"

I shook my head since I had my bike and he frowned," are you absolutely sure?" He asked again and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm fine." I answered.

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow." He said as he hung up and grabbed his stuff. He gave me a hug and then left the dance hall.

Soon, I also decided to head downstairs. I took the elevator down to the first floor and was about to head out when I saw two people sitting in the cafe.

Isn't it supposed to be closed right now?

"Do you want some?"

I looked in the cafe and the person with their back facing me had placed his straw into the girls mouth.

That girl looked so familiar... but so did the boy.

I decided to stick around and see who it was and after waiting for like a minute the two people walked out of the cafe and to my surprise, the girl was... Areum? The girl who helped me at school today and the guy was... Jungwon?

What are they doing together?

I didn't think she knew anyone to be honest because she was so introverted today. Maybe I shouldn't judge too soon.

And the way she is with with Jungwon though... he makes her smile. Coming to think of it, she is actually really beautiful. She has a cute smile with cute dimples and almond eyes. Almost like Jungwonie ... But I mean a lot of girls have cute smiles, so...

I watched her walk away and thought about following her. I'm not a creep, but it's actually late. What if some dude took advantage of her because it's night time?

I wore my helmet and got on my bike.

As I expected, there was a car following her. A black Audi. I saw her footsteps go faster. She was nervous.

I saw the guy in the car peek his head out the window and say something to her, but she ignored. He must've gotten mad and got out of his car. As he got out, he held onto her arm and started pulling her towards his car.

I quickly got off my bike, ran over to them and closed his car door. Luckily right before he tried to force her into it.

"Let her go." I glared at him.

"Stay out of this, kid." He said and was about to touch her again.

"I said let go!" I yelled as I lost my anger and threw a punch across his face.

He stumbled back and then glared at me. Areum was really shocked too.

"Yah!" The guy yelled and threw one back at me, but I dodged it.

I was about to throw another punch at him when Areum quickly put her hand on my arm and looked up at me for the first time.

Lost in her eyes, I put my arm down and took a deep breath.

What is this feeling?

"Don't ever try this again." I said as he held his cheekbone in pain.

"Quite a punch for a kid." He said, taken aback by my strength, as he hurried back to his car.

"That's right! Drive off like the coward you are!" I yelled as he drove off. "Fucking creep."

I smiled at myself. It felt so great to help her out for some reason. I don't know why.

I mean I would've done this for anyone. I guess.

"Are you o..." I looked back to where she was a few seconds ago, and she was gone. Questioning myself, I looked up and saw her petite figure running away.

"How annoying." I sighed to myself.

I was about to give up and just head home but the incident that just happened came to mind. What if someone tried to kidnap her again?

Man I care too much.

"Yah! Kim Areum!!" I yelled for her as I got back on my bike.

What do y'all think so far?🙈

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