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I grabbed the last thing I needed and started to walk to school. My school was pretty far away, but I work part time and need to put food on my table while paying my bills and electricity so I didn't have enough money to buy myself a bus card.

Plus, I live alone and I don't have anyone to borrow money from.

So I walk. I mean, I do need to work out. All the girls at school look so thin and beautiful, and then there is me, a potato looking fat ass who can't even afford a measly gym card.

I grew up with my father only, but he is gone too. My mom died while giving birth to me and my dad died from heart failure.

I was sent to foster homes but I never liked it anywhere. I lived at an orphanage until I turned eighteen so they got me a small apartment in the main city here in Seoul.

But that didn't mean I was of the hook. My dad died in a hospital, which he was in a few weeks before as well. That, I have to pay off.

I've been working as a part timer in the HYBE building since I was 16. I convinced them to let me work. They needed staff anyways.

I clean their toilets and dance halls. Sometimes, I even get to work at the cafe and hand out food to people. It's a huge company so I get enough money to at least eat AND pay the bills, even though it's just part time.

"Hello, fat ass." I looked up and saw Jisoo come out of her limo with her little brother, Jungwon.

"Stop it." Jungwon shushed her and gave me an apologetic smile as he walked into the school building, dragging her with him.

Jungwon is the cutest little boy ever. When he is around, he stands up for me. I guess it's because I've seen him a lot at HYBE.

He is actually in a boy group called Enhypen. They debuted less than a year ago. But I knew Jungwon and the members, Heeseung, Jake, Jay and Sunoo before that because I started working there a year before their debut and also, i knew them personally. Well, kind of.

I slowly walked into the school, with my head hung low as usual, and headed to my locker. It was five minutes before class started and my first class was maths, which was all the way on the second floor.

The last thing I need is too be humiliated by Jisoo after being scolded by the teacher because I'm late.

"Shit." I cussed as I hurriedly grabbed my books and ran up the stairs.

As I got up the stairs and was about to turn into the hallway for maths class, I bumped into someone, making my books fall.

"Oh no.." I sighed as I hurriedly started to gather my things.

"I'm so sorry." I heard the persons voice say as his figure came down to my level. "Are you okay?" He then asked as he started helping me gather my things.

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