I then took the credit card and then grabbed my wallet out of my bag, then placing the card in the wallet.

"There is also a secret room," Pepper said.

"A secret room?" I ask.

I watch Pepper go to this small painting, or at least I thought it was a painting. It revealed to be a keypad, she stood in a way for me to see the code. I watched her put in the code and then the wall moved to reveal exactly what she said, a secret room.

We stepped in and saw how large that room was. It looked like a mix of a training room and a tech lab. There were training equipment as well as a training mat below, just go down two steps, on the slightly higher lever was a computer as well as lab equipment. I also noticed a glass cage with my hero suit in it.

"What is this?" I ask.

Pepper smiles, "Your work space," She said, "Tony said every hero needs one."

I smiled softly. Tony somehow managed to pull this off being so far away from New York at this moment, I am always impressed.

We left the secret room and then it was then Pepper had to head off for the evening to deal with a business meeting. She gave me a big hug and then even Happy gave me a hug.

"Call us if you need anything," Pepper said.

I nod, "I will."

Then I watched them leave. I looked at the breakfast bar to see the key to the apartment sitting there. A small smile escaped my lips as I threw myself onto the couch.

"This is my life," I mutter.


I had showered and changed into a more suitable look to be seen in public in. I left my brand new apartment in a striped black and white sweater, black skinny jeans, black vans, and even wearing my glasses.

I carried my purse on me, with my wallet and keys in them. I walked to the elevator and pressed the down button. I waited a few minutes and the elevator door opened. I stepped in.

"Which floor, ma'am?" He asks.

"Lobby, please." I say.

He nods and then pressed the button.

I looked at this man. He was wearing the building's uniform. But didn't notice a name tag, this man seemed to have noticed me just staring.

"Uh- sorry uh- I was just seeing if there was a name tag on your uniform." I said.

He gives me a small smile, "My name is Hector."

The Hispanic man in his thirtys smiled at me. I held a smile at the man as I looked at his direction. It seems like most people don't ask him that.

"I'm Emma," I say.

"Emma," He nods, "What a lovely name."

"Thank you," I say.

"So you are Ms Potts daughter?" Hector asks.

I shake my head, "I'm Mr Stark's ward." I say.

Hector nods, "Ah, I see." He said.

"So do you have children?" I ask.

Hector nods. He went on talking about his three children. His daughter Sofia who was twelve, and his twin Miguel and Mariana who are seven. I smile listening to the man, Hector spoke so highly about his kids.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened.

"This is your stop, miss." He said.

I smiled as I stepped out, "Thank you, Hector."

Young Avengers: Child's Play [1]Where stories live. Discover now