
915 19 0

Emma POV

Like the plan we were hiding. Peter and I were on the other side of the ship. And then in came Thanos. I felt myself nearly collapse by seeing how large this man was.

Peter gave me nod. His mask was on so I couldn't see his face. For whatever reason, I chose not to bare a mask.

"It'll be okay." I heard Peter say, "We'll make it out of this."

I swallowed my nerves, "I sure hope so."

Peter looks at me, "Em," He said, "We'll make it."

I looked at him, "Pete,"

Then his head turned to the direction of Thanos and Strange. I couldn't hear them really, some muttering maybe. However, Peter with his spider senses, he could hear a lot better than me.

"Do you hear what they're saying?" I ask.

Peter nods, "Yeah. Just boring stuff."

I nod at that. Turning back, awaiting for our cue. I made my hands into fists and took in a deep calming breathe before exhaling.

"Us," We heard Thanos uttered.

"That's our cue!" Peter said.

I nod.

We all jump out. Spider swung himself over with his webs, and I flew over with my new ability I didn't know until today that I had.

I landed next to Peter, seemingly Thanos did not seem impressed. I punched electric punches at Thanos, who seemed to do nothing to. My eyes widen.

Then in came Tony and Quill blasting Thanos with their blasters. Mantis and Drax came out with them.

Strange created a portal and Peter jumped in it, the portal opened above Thanos' head. Peter punched Thanos' head, each time Peter slugged the Titan, there would be another portal opening for Peter to escape.

I see Thanos attempt to grab Peter, I ran over, through the crossfire from Quill and Tony, and grabbed onto Thanos' arm.

I see the Titan look at me, "Bold one aren't you."

I said nothing, but instead charged myself up. Electricity came all around my body, my eyes turning yellow and also shocking Thanos. It seemed to be harming Thanos but not by much, he grabs my arm and pulls me off of him, then threw me.

I rolled on the ground, hitting my head off the ground. I groan and touch my head, blood. I was bleeding. I turn and see Peter get grabbed by Thanos and thrown much like me.

"Peter-!" I screamed.

Thanos then had his hand wrapped around Peter's neck. He was gasping for air and struggling to move. As Quill and Tony fired, nothing seemed to do it. I screamed, and then something happened.

Everything went white. I see electricity surrounding my hands, then I pushed myself off the ground to fly over. I had tackled Thanos off of Peter somehow, I managed to do minor damage but also rolled on the ground.

I see the white electricity was gone. But looked up to see the Titan tower over me. He went to grab me but was stopped by Tony. Tony was grabbing onto the arm with the gauntlet. Then Peter webbed the gauntlet.

Then running in was a blue women who then slugged Thanos in the face, causing Thanos to stumble back and both Peter and Tony to loose hold on him.

"Well, well." She spoke, "Should've just killed me, Thanos."

"Waste of parts, Nebula." Thanos said.

"Where's Gamora!" Nebula yells.

Peter grabs me and swings away from Thanos attacking at Nebula and I. Nebula avoided the hit, but Peter and I swung away from it.

Young Avengers: Child's Play [1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant