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Emma POV

I quickly changed into my "suit". And by suit it was just a black hoodie, a small mask covering my eyes, my black pants, and black finger-less gloves.

"Help me-!" The person yelled.

"No one can help you now," The thief said, "Now hand me your wallet."

Just then I took it to make my dramatic entrance. I jumped down from my fire escape and landed near the two.

"Don't you know that stealing is wrong?" I ask with a grin on my face.

The thief wore a black mask over his face. He stared at me, he held a knife in one hand but his other hand was holding onto the innocent man's shirt.

"Who the hell are you?" The thief asks.

I kept my grin, "I think asking who I am is the least of your concern. Now how about you run along and leave this nice person alone."

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do?" The thief asks.

Electric burst into my hands and a small spark flew up from my hands. The thief seemed a bit shocked, pun in tended, when he noticed I had powers.

"Still want to do something?" I ask.

Finally the thief shoves the innocent man away and then goes to stab me. I quickly dodge the blade and fired my electric balls at him. He dodged one however, he was hit in the arm that he was holding the knife. He groans and drops the knife.

"You little bitch-!" He yells.

He goes to charge at me, however, he was stopped by a web. He tilts his head to see the very familiar neighborhood Spider-Man. He was up on the side of the wall, before he jumped down.

"You started the party without me," Spider-Man said, "So not cool."

I couldn't help but smile upon seeing him. Spider-Man. Here in front of me. He walks next to me and then turns to our thief.

"So what seems to be the problem?" Spider-Man asks.

I turn to him, "Mask man decided to attempt to steal from another guy. I decided to step in since you were nowhere in sight, we had some decent  banter before he decided to attack. I shocked him and then you showed up." I say.

Spider-Man turns to me, "Shocked him?"

I then ignited the electricity in my hands. He looked at my hands with in awe. He looked at them and seemed to be so blown away.

"Whoa-! You can generate electricity?" Spider-Man asks.

I grin, "Yep."

Then we noticed the thief attempting to reach his knife to cut himself free. So Spider-Man shot more web at him causing him to be stuck on the wall.

After calling 9-1-1 on the baddie, both Spider-Man and I left. We ended up going from roof to roof, he was swinging. I was parkouring from roof to roof. Until we were a good distance away, I watched Spider-Man sit down on the roof top to look at the city.

"So you're clearly new." Spider-Man said, "Never heard of you before."

I grin, "Look just because I may not have been in the news for helping some old lady cross the street doesn't mean I haven't been in operation." I say.

Spider-Man nod at me, "So what do I call you, Sparky?"

I look at him and sit down, "Sparky?"

He grins, I can tell by his mouth imprint through his mask. He then kind of let's out a small chuckle.

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