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Emma POV

I was all packed up, well given I only had stuff for a few days in a small backpack as all packed up then I was.

I left my room in the palace. Heading out toward the front of the large building. As I reach the exit I noticed familiar faces. Steve, Bruce, Natasha, Rhodes, and Okoye were there.

"Have a save travel home," Okoye said.

I nod with a small smile, "Thanks."

Natasha came over next. Giving me a big hug and I returned the hug to her. We held onto each other for a few moments before we parted. She brushed some of my hair behind my ear.

"Be safe," She said.

"You too," I say.

Natasha smiles and steps back. Bruce, awkwardly came over, held his hand out for me to shake it. I accept the handshake but then he pulls me in for a quick hug.

"Bye Emma," He said.

I pull back from the hug and placed my hand on his shoulder, "Bye Bruce."

Rhodes came over and gave me a hug. I returned the hug back and when we parted, he smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. Then Steve came up.

He placed both hands on my shoulders, "You're going to do great things out there."

I nod, "Yeah, I guess."

"No guessing," Steve points at me, "You're an Avenger. You can do it."

I smile softly as he then hugs me. I hug Captain America for the short amount of time we hugged, then parted. I look forward to see Tony. He had a more sadden expression then everyone else.

"If you want," I start as I walked over to Tony, "I could always stay here."

He turns to me, "No. This is hard for me to see you go," He hugs me tightly, "But it has to be done."

I nod as I hug him, "Be safe out there, Tony." I say.

He nods as he hold me, "I will, Sparks." He said.

When we pulled out of the hug, Tony messed with my hair and I smiled. I glance down at the bottom of the steps. There was a black car there and a female driver waiting for me.

"Bye," I say.

I head down the stairs. Glancing back a few times, noting that they all, expect Okoye stayed up there to see me off. As I reached the driver, she attempted to take my bags but I placed my hand in front of her.

"I got it," I said.

She opened the door for me and I started to head in, but glanced back up at the top of the steps one last time. Giving them a small wave before I climbed into the vehicle.

When the driver got into the car, we were off. Driving out of Wakanda and into the endless roads of Africa. Since Wakanda is neighboring of other countries in Africa, I was going to be dropped off at Kenya's airport Jomo Keynatta International Airport.

When the driver had reached the Jomo Keynatta International Airport, she opened the door for me. I stepped out and headed in the direction inside. I was looking for my terminal.

I seemed lost however, and an elderly African worker at the airport stopped next to me.

"Are you having problems?" I could hear his heavy African accent.

I nod, "Um, I'm trying to find the Air France, the 2:15 to the Charles de Gaulle Airport." I say.

The man takes my ticket and then points in the right, "Follow down that way until you reach the very end. Your flight will be there."

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