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Emma POV

Its been twenty-four hours since life on Earth changed. Twenty-four hours since those spaceships invaded Earth. Twenty-four hours since I traveled to space for the first time. Twenty-four hours since we lost so much. Twenty-four hours since I lost Peter.

For the time being, the entire UN was in a total globe panic. Half of the entire population just vanishing, all due to a mad Titan snapping his fingers.

Captain America, Tony, and Rhodes went to speak to some of the UN leaders regarding next plan of action. Despite the fact that Captain America is a wanted criminal, the leaders of the countries have really no other choice then to listen to them.

However, I didn't get the opportunity to go. Tony wanted me to remain in Wakana for the time being. At least in that way, I had people looking after me.

I left the room I was given in this massive palace, unwrapping the bandaging around my hand. Looking at my knuckles and wrist. The bruising has gotten better, but I know the doctors would say to keep it wrapped and to ice/heat it.

I walked through the palace, nothing but Wakandan soldiers in the halls. Guarding in case of another attack.

I wandered through the palace, probably going places I shouldn't have been going, but paused when I saw two figures standing by a large glass window, looking at the amazing view below.

Looking at the two, I figured out who they were. It was Rocket and Thor. I walked over slowly, I didn't want to seem rude, but I hadn't full made a proper introduction.

"Uh-," Just that gained their attention.

Thor looks at me, crossing his hands on his chest. His arms were huge. His eyes, they were two different colors. Rocket was maybe about the size of a normal raccoon, but stood on his back legs like a person would.

"Hi," I tried to smile.

Rocket nods and avoids looking at me to return to the view.

"Hello," Thor's voice was somber.

I frown.

"So what's your damage, kid?" Rocket spoke, "How did you end up on Titan?"

I look at the animal speaking to me, "Peter and I- we sneaked onto the ship that was taking Doctor Strange away." I said.

Thor looks at me, "You are no normal mortal?"

I shake my head, "No." I held my hand out and revealed the electricity in my hand.

This seemed to impress the God of Thunder. He watched as I made the electricity vanish from my hand, I lowered my hand to rest at my side.

Rocket did not look at me, "And you fought Thanos on Titan?"

I nod, "Y- Yeah."

"And yet somehow he managed to win and my friends are gone." Rocket said.

I kept my emotions from getting to me, I knew what Rocket was doing. He was angry, as he should be. The wounds were still new. He lost his entire team, I mean I didn't loose my entire team but- Peter wasn't just my partner, he was my love.

"We tried-," I made my hands into fists, "I wasn't the one who handed off the Time Stone to Thanos."

There was silence.

Thor placed a firm hand on my shoulder, "We all lost loved ones during Thanos' invasion. I lost my people and my brother-," He frowns.

I look at the God, "I- I'm sorry."

Young Avengers: Child's Play [1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें