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Emma POV

"You're the guys that Thor told us about," Drax said.

Tony looks at the Guardians shocked, "Wait, you know Thor?" He asks.

Quill nods placing his hands firmly on his hips trying to make himself look bigger for whatever reason, "Yeah. Tall guy, not that good-looking." Quill said.

I give him a look before a grin, "Oh someone is jealous," I say quietly.

It seemed like the only one who seemed to have overheard was Mantis, I quickly looked away. I don't know why, but she kind of freaked me out, maybe because she is one of the first real aliens I've met.

"What do we do now?" Quill starts up again, "I thought we had him in our grasp only to-," He sighs in frustration.

I frown looking at his face.

I step forward, "Don't worry, Quill." I reached over and placed my hand on his shoulder.

He looks at me and sees my genuine smile on my face, he seemed to relaxed a bit in his facial expressions but shake his head.

"We can stop him together." Strange said.

Drax crack his knuckles, "I wish to be the one to kill Thanos! He murdered my wife and daughter."

My heart sank. I always expected space to be a fun place. Adventuring across galaxies, but they have their own wars and murderers as Earth does. Guess humanity isn't the only race that get violent.

"Yeah he took my girlfriend," Quill said.

"Gamora," Peter said.

Quill's head snapped up, "Y- Yeah."

I frown at him, "We'll stop Thanos and find Gamora." I say giving him a reassuring smile.

Quill manages to smile back at me. I want to believe what I am saying. I want to expect that with all of us we can stop Thanos. But in reality, I have no idea how bad this mad Titan is.

"So we all want to stop Thanos?" Tony asks.

Everyone nod. It kind of seemed like it was timed, seeing as we all nodded at the same time. Tony nods to himself, probably to gather his thoughts.

"That's great. So what's the plan?" Tony continued.

Strange did some magical hand gestures and then reveals the green stone in his necklace, "He's after this." Strange said.

"That's one of the stones?" Quill asks.

Strange nods, "Yes." He closed the necklace back into the necklace, "So no matter what we end up doing, we need to lure him here, and kill him."

I bit my lip looking around, "Ca- Can we actually kill him?"

All eyes shift to me.

"I'm not trying to sound like a downer, but are we strong enough?" I ask.

Tony looks at me, "We have to try." He said.

I frown but nodded. I felt Pete interlock his fingers in my hand. We held hands, I glanced at him and then felt him kiss me on the cheek.

"Alright," Quill said, "Game plan time!"

Peter POV

We finally stepped out of the ship. It was really hot on this planet. It was a desert.

"What is up with this planet?" Quill spoke, "It's eight degrees off its axis and its gravitational pull is all over the place."

I looked around. I noticed Mantis just jumping around. I tilt my head in confusion. Then I felt Emma tap my shoulder.

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