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Emma POV

I was sitting on the rooftop, I was wearing my "uniform" for Static. It was late and since I had the night to myself after my dad left to go back to work, and Peter had to jet, I decided patrol might be a good way to clear my head.

Maybe I'd run into Spider-Man. Who knows.

I had my hood up covering my blonde hair, mostly due to it was still a bit wet outside, and also wanted to stay hidden.

I looked at my right hand. A small spark ignited from my thumb and traveled all the way to my pinky finger. A small smile escaped my lips.

"Lonely?" A familiar voice spoke.

I grin and turn around, "Spidey, been wondering if I was going to be lucky to run into you." I say.

He walks over and sits down next to me, "I wasn't sure if there was going to be any crime tonight with how bad the weather was."

I nod, "It was pretty bad."

He looks at me, "So you've have any luck in stopping crime?"

"No, there hasn't been any here." I say, "Which should be a good thing for our city."

He lightly chuckles at that comment, "True. It just annoys me not being able to help."

I slowly nod, "I can agree to that."

We sat there for a while. As we sat there we were showing off each other abilities. Spider-Man showed me his webs being launched from his wrist, to which I clapped while being impressed. Then I showed him my electric powers, to which Spider-Man claps as well.

We stand up on the roof after the show off and then hear some crash.

"What is that?" I asks.

Spider-Man looks in the direction and points, "Look-!"

I walk over and see a man with a large blaster like gun. This man was armored up with a partial helmet on his face, only covering half his face and a metal arm.

"Hero time," I said.

Spider-Man swung over on his web, I ran from roof to roof and flipped over one. I climbed down the side of the building and landed near Spider-Man.

I was a little behind him, he seemed to have made the first remark to our baddie. Which did anger him.

"Who's our friend?" I ask Spider-Man.

Spider-Man flips over the blasts from the gun, "Did get his name, but he doesn't play very nice."

I nod.

The baddie fires his blaster gun at my direction. I generate an electric burst that canceled out his blast aimed for me. I ran toward him, electricity forming in one hand.

Spider-Man jumped from one building and uses his web launchers to fire web at him and try to knock the baddie down.

As I ran near Spider-Man and the baddie, I use the electric ball in my hand to sapped the blaster. From there the power in the blaster was off. This made the man even more angry.

He looks at me wit anger and forcefully swings his arm at me, he was too fast. His force sent me into some trash cans and stumbled into a wall. Groaning at the pain.

I winced as I looked up. Spider-Man was grabbed by his head and thrown down. I needed to do something. Another electric burst of energy.

As Spider-Man managed to get out of his hold and dodge the baddie by using his webs to get him to swing from place to place. I came up from behind and grabbed the man. My entire body was shocking. I managed to electrocute the man.

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