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(A/N: Note this chapter and onward is taking place during Infinity Wars... Good luck. And be prepared to feel things. -ICrzy)

Peter POV

I was riding the bus to an Academic Decathlon event. It was a huge event with five other schools neighboring the area. Only the brightest are invited.

I was texting Emma.

She wasn't on the team, but she had wished me luck.

I rested my head down. Closing my eyes.

Suddenly I felt a feeling. I look up to see the hairs on my arm lift. I look at it confused like and then turn around in my seat. In the sky was a doughnut like spaceship.

"What the-?" I spoke softly.

I glance to Ned. He wasn't paying much attention, only listening to his music. Much like everyone else on the bus, no one noticed.

I smack Ned in the face, getting a response. He looks at me confused like.

"Dude, make a distraction." I say.

Ned looks at the sky, "Oh my god! We're gonna die!"

This works. Everyone gets up and looks out the window, I hear our bus driver mention how "hasn't anyone seen a spaceship before", but I didn't wait. I grabbed my back but held my mask in my hands. Opening the window with my webbing and hopped out of the window. Scaling the side of the bus, I put my mask on and as I held onto my bag, I launched web on the bridge and swung off in the direction of danger.

Emma POV

After texting Peter, I smiled. I was hanging out at the cafe. Sitting outside and enjoying the nice day. That was until I heard some screaming and looked up at the sky as people were pointing at it.

I look up. Seeing this large spaceship hovering above the city. My eyes widen, but quickly reach for my bag.

Carrying my super suit, never leave home without it. Running into the cafe bathroom, changed quickly and left my clothes in the bag. I climbed out the bathroom window and then activated my mask.

I ran down the street until, "Activate rocket boots."

Then my boots had a rocket booster work, I began to fly, well attempt as I lost my balance a few times. I managed to gain balance and flew off in the direction of danger.

As I flew, I landed in the middle of Central Park where some action was going down. I landed not so gracefully, as I rolled on the grass. I looked up to see Bruce Banner as well as Tony Stark. Bruce was yelling at himself to get himself to Hulk out, whereas Tony was fighting against some creature.

"Stark-!" I yell.

Tony blasts at the creature, which stumbles back and noticed me. But the creature went to attack Tony, only to be stopped by webbing. Peter came swinging in.

"Hi Mr Stark," Peter lands next to me, "Graceful landing?"

I roll my eyes, "Shut up."

Just then the creature that Peter had stopped briefly with the webs, came over charging forward, Peter shoves me into the ground for the creature to attack him. Peter was thrown down onto the ground causing it to shake and break.

"Tony-!" I screamed.

Tony was on it. He blasts at the creature. He flies over and fires more blasts at the creature. I make my hands into fists and then felt the surge. I felt the electricity bottling through me. I ran over as Tony was thrown back, and I jumped in the air to slug the creature dead set in the face.

It was launched back and off of Peter. I would've helped Peter up, but the electricity was still surging and my eyes were no longer their usual blue, they were yellow.

"What's this guys problem, Mr Stark?" Peter asks.

The creature stumbles to stand, but grabs his very large axe.

"Um, he's from space and he's here to steal a magical necklace from a wizard." Tony said.

I had to double take that, giving Tony a confused look. The monster however, began to charge. Peter fires webs at it as I threw electric bolts at him as I punched at the air in its direction. The monster went full charge at my direction, only to be stopped by Tony. Tony fired blasts at the creature, only to be hit down.

Peter used his webs to attach them to a car door, aiming it at the creature and threw it at it. The creature was not pleased by that, it threw it back but at me. I held my hands up with a large surge of electricity pulsing at the car door. The amount of electricity I used managed to split the door in half to avoid me.

Then a unfamiliar man in a cape came flying in. Both myself and Peter never ever met this man before. It seemed like the man was unconscious and the cape was flying him.The monster aims to attack Tony, who in returns blocks the attack.

"See there he is! That's the wizard!" Tony yells.

"On it!" Peter yells and swings himself off.

Peter was knocked down but I managed to block off the creature from attacking Peter. I grabbed a loose pipe from the ground and with my electric charge, I had made myself a weapon, a really bad weapon.

I managed to fly forward and slugged the creature, who had been attacking us, with the pipe like it was a baseball bat.

I glance over at Peter, he seemed to be having problems. Without registering that I was even flying, without using my boots, I took off to aid Peter as Tony handled the creature.

As Peter went to grab this wizard, a bright light had other plans. This bright light was beginning to pull the wizard up, and into that ship.

Peter was holding the wizard down on the ground, and then I was helping until the force of this light was too much. We were screaming, using our might to keep this wizard from being abducted by these aliens.

That was until we were also being lifted with the glow.

"T- Tony-!" I yelled through our communication, "We're being taken with the wizard!"

As we were closer to the ship, Peter was beginning to climb it, as was I trailing behind. I coughed much like Peter. He took off his mask and looked down at me.

"Pete, Em! Let go! I'll catch you!" Tony yells.

Peter POV

"What?" I yelled, "You said save the wizard!"

"You're took high," Tony said through communication, "You're both running out of air."

Both Emma and I look at each other as we were being lifted away, further and further away. Both Emma and I drop. We were both caught by suits, a brand new suit for myself and what looks to be a new suit for Emma. Even coming with a full mask for her.

"Go home you two!" Tony yells, "You did good!"

Tony had already flown into the ship. However, I webbed onto the ship. I turn to see Emma surprisingly fly over and managed to get onto the ship. When I pulled myself up, I felt Emma grab my arm. We got into the ship and it was so dark, creepy, but also high tech.

"Should've probably stayed on the bus," I jokingly grin at her.

Emma looks at me, "And I should've finished my ice coffee." She said.

Emma taps on where her earring would be at and her entire face mask vanishes. I was stunned by that.

"Whoa?" I say.

Emma grins, "Who do you think designed the suit? Just Tony?" She says, "I had a lot of free time during our school breaks."

"Cool," I said.

Emma then nudges me, "Now come on." She starts, "Let's go save this wizard."

She begins to head further into the ship. I swallow my nerves as I took off my mask briefly to shake off my nerves.

"Okay, Peter. No turning back." I said.

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