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Emma POV

The car ride from the airport to the compound was a silent one. Happy didn't really try to push me on a conversation. I mostly kept glancing from the window and then from the phone in my lap.

I had sent Tony a message, telling him that I was back in the states and with Happy. Have yet to receive a message back.

As the car ride grew on and on, I subconsciously went to fumble with the locket given to me by Peter. I kept my glance out the window.

Then that's when I began to see it. The compound. I remember hearing it from Peter. From the time Peter stopped the Vulture and was offered a spot on the Avengers.

When Happy pulled up, he got out first. I waited and he opened the door. I crawled out, slugging my small bag over my shoulders.

"Ready?" He asks.

I give him a look, "For what?"

Happy frowns, "Tony requested your mom and May Parker be brought here in case of a serious emergency."

My face fell, "May is here too?"

Happy nods.

I ran a hand through my hair. I hadn't thought how I'd speak to her, or how I'd even tell her what had happened to Peter. Heck, if she even knew what happened to her nephew.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking up into the eyes of Tony's driver, Happy had a somber look on his face.

"We'll go inside when you're ready." He said.

I nod and then let out a deep breathe, I looked up at the sky. The bright blue sky. After gathering myself, I turn back to Happy while nodding.

"I'm ready." I said.

So with that said, we went inside the compound. It was a large building. Halls seemed to go on forever. But where we were going, the hallway we were in, led to a more open room. It seemed like a sort of lounge room.

Then its when I noticed the three women standing by a TV. Pepper Potts held the remote up against her chin, frowning at the news report. May was standing next to my mom, but both women had their backs to me and Happy.

Pepper's eyes met my gaze. Pepper turns her head and forms a small smile at me, it was bittersweet to say the least. Then its when the two other women noticed Pepper looking at me is when they turn.

My mom met my glance. The first time we had seen each other since September. It was April now, and she missed nearly an entire year of my life.

My mom then sprinted over, she wrapped her arms around me. Sobbing into me. I felt her shake, her entire body shake with my embrace. I slowly lifted my hands up to hold her.

"Oh my god," My mom pulls back and pulls my hair out from my face to get a better look, "You're alright. You're okay."

I nod, "Yeah, mom. I'm fine."

My mom choked in her sob, "I- I was so worried about you, Em." She said hugging me again.

To say I was happy my injures were healed was an understatement, because at least now I wouldn't have to have my mom up my butt about me being hurt. Mostly my hand.

However, my gaze met May. Happy walked over and was saying something silently. May then broke up in sobs, nearly collapsing onto the ground.

It was then I began crying again. Hearing May's pleads and sobs.

"No- No!" May cries, "Not Peter! He's all I have."

I held onto my mom tighter. This wasn't fair. Why was I allowed to come home and not Peter, why was I the one here? It should've been me.

Young Avengers: Child's Play [1]Where stories live. Discover now