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Emma POV

"Try this one," Wanda handed me another dress.

Apparently Pepper went shopping for dresses for me for this private event hosted by Tony. And apparently he had sent Happy out with Peter to get him fitted in a suit for this.

"This has been the fifth dress, Wanda." I groaned.

Wanda laid on my bed, grinning at me. Since moving in, Wanda has become like a big sister to me. And I really needed it after everything that has happened. I was starting to get close to Natasha, but she has been on a top secret mission for so long, so Wanda filled that void.

"Just try it," Her Russian accent was heavy when she said it.

Groaning I grabbed the light blue glittery dress. I put it on, and when I stepped into the mirror, I saw Wanda smile. I was how form fitting it was, I turned to look at the dress from the back and then faced forward again.

"You look beautiful in that dress," Wanda said, "And I am certain Peter would think so too."

I glance at her and grin, "Peter might be speechless." I said.

Wanda got off the bed and began to suggest ideas with my hair. As we talked about that, I heard a knock on the door and it was Tony.

"Figured out which dress you're-," He paused when he looked at me, "Oh wow, Emma. You look stunning."

Wanda points at him, "She is a minor and you have a girlfriend."

Tony shakes his head, "That's not what I meant." He then turns to Emma, "I'll let Pepper know you picked out a dress."

I turn to him after playing with my hair, "Tell her thank you."

He nods, "Of course," He paused before leaving and then looks at me, "I need to talk to you about something serious later."

I turn to him, "Everything okay?" I felt worry fill me.

He had a smile and nod, "Yes totally, everything is peachy. Just uh- need to talk to you in private."

I nod, "Um, okay."

He nods and gives me thumbs up before leaving. Wanda came back over and began styling my hair for a more upward approach.

I couldn't help but smile when I looked at myself in the mirror. Expensive dress. Expensive jewelry. Expensive heels. Expensive makeup.

I felt like a princess.

"So Peter and you together at this event," Wanda started as she was looking at the right necklace for this dress, "Is this your first date with him?"

I froze, "Uh- um- uh."

Wanda found a nice diamond necklace and wrapped it around my neck, "No need to be nervous, Emmy."

Wanda gave me that nickname over my time staying at the tower. A smile escaped my lips hearing that simple nickname out of the Russians mouth.

"Okay, Wanda." I said.

Peter POV

I adjusted the tie for the fifth time. Happy had came by took me to get a suit fitted and then we had to leave for the party. I looked at a brand new wrist watch Tony bought for me, which made me feel guilty to allow him to spend his money on me.

The time was five o'clock.

"Okay, Peter." I tried to get myself ready, "She should be here any moment."

I was outside of the event. I was told by Happy that Tony had arranged for them to meet me Pepper, and Emma at the event.

I took in a deep breathe and then slowly let out the air. I looked back at the watch before a black car pulled out. A driver came out and opened the passenger doors.

Young Avengers: Child's Play [1]Where stories live. Discover now