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Peter POV

I turn around. Noticing the Guardians, well the three of them sitting down. Mantis was next to Drax, her head resting on his shoulder. Quill angrily made his hands into fists with frustration.

I glanced to Tony and Strange, the two had finally stopped their argument. I don't know how long it's been since Thanos left with the Time Stone.

I glance over to Emma. She was resting her right hand in her left hand, I knelt down next to her as she sat against a rock.

"Em?" I ask.

She looks at me with those bright blue eyes, "Peter-?"

"Jeez, it looks pretty banged up." I said.

She looks from her hand, wincing as I attempted to touch it. I pulled my hand back but sat down next to her.

"Peter," I hear Emma say, "Whatever happens-."

I cut her off, "I know."

Knowing exactly what she was going to say. She was going to say that she loves me, and I know it. I know how much she cares about me. I feel the same way.

"Do you think-," I started, "This is the one future that we won?"

Emma's eyes went from me to Strange, "I have no idea."

Suddenly things began to feel off. I stood up, Emma was next to me. Mantis, Drax, and Quill also rose as well.

"Something is happening?" Mantis said.

That is when we noticed. Mantis was beginning to turn to ash. Drax looks at her with a sadden expression as Quill wasn't sure what was happening.

"Mantis?" Drax spoke.

Mantis was gone. Then the same thing was happening to Drax. Drax look at his hands and then up to Quill.

"Quill-," Drax spoke.

"Drax," Quill said.

Then Drax was gone. Quill looks at his hands, it too was turning to ash. Tony looks at Quill with worry.

"Quill," Tony said, "Hang on. It's going to be okay."

Quill looks from his hands to up at Tony, before the Star-Lord fully vanished. I hear Emma sob. Tony turns to Strange, who now was also beginning to vanish.

"It was the only way," Strange said.

Tony had a heartbroken expression wearing on his face. I begin to feel something. I stumble to gain my balance.

"Mr Stark," I began, "I don't feel so good."

Emma POV

"Mr Stark," It was Peter's voice, "I don't feel so good."

I turn around to look at my boyfriend. Peter was turning into ash, the same fate as the Guardians and Strange.

Tony full forced charged over as Peter began to loose balance to catch him, Peter grabbed a hold of Tony. Tears in his eyes, but also mine.

"Peter-," I choked back.

He held onto Tony tightly as he sobbed, "I don't wanna go! I don't wanna go!"

Tony lowers Peter down. I hovered above, holding onto one hand as Tony held onto the other.

"Hey, you're going to be alright, kid." Tony tried to assure, "Look at me."

I couldn't keep myself together. Sobbing hard, squeezing his hand tightly.

"Peter!" I yelled, "You hear me, you're not allowed to go!"

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