Chapter 22- permanently

Start from the beginning

Though she didn't smile, I saw her cold glare soften. "Every once in a while?"

"You know you like it, don't lie to me." I said, walking back to her side. I briefly traced my finger over the spot on her neck. "I heard the noises you were making when I did that." I smirked.

"Stop it." She said, stepping away from me and blushing.

I grinned wider. "It was like music, I would kill to hear it again." I teased.

"Stop it!" She said again, but this time she was trying to hold back her smile.

"You're not denying it."

She finally let herself chuckle, shaking her head. "I really hate you."

I winked. "I know you do."

And that easily, she was back to a decent mood, still being a little more quiet. I thought about how she said she especially didn't want Hoseok to know about it, bringing me a ping of jealousy.

Well fuck that, because now he knows what's up. He could either back off or try harder, and we both know what he's going to choose.



I tried to act all tough and make a statement to him, because I was really pissed about what he did and humiliated with Hobi, and yet I broke. It's times like these that I wish I was stronger- I can't stay mad at that asshole for more than 30 seconds.

But now that he's here with me and he made me laugh, I can't pretend I'm angry anymore, so I just let it go.

We arrive at home and sit in our chairs at my desk and get to work, getting distracted at points and going to off topic conversations.

I love how we can really talk about anything, and we both make each other laugh a lot. I think it's safe to say like besides being one of my crushes, he's also one of my best friends.

Ha, crush. I always thought that was a stupid word. That's just when someone kinda likes someone else, something stupid and cringy for middle schoolers. Jungkook is already more than that.

While we were talking about random stuff again instead of finish the social studies review, we came across the subject of siblings.

"God, I wish I had a sibling, just someone talk to about anything all the time so I'm not so lonely." I say, sighing, Hoseok crossing my mind- he does kinda fit that description. Ew, that was such an incestuous thought.

"Hey, you have a brother right? The one you brought up..." I said without thinking, instantly trying to cover it up. "Y-you don't have to answer that, I know it's something personal and you don't want to-"

"It's fine, you don't have to feel bad for bringing it up or anything." He said, his gaze serious. He looked down.

There was a moment of silence. "I'm sorry, you just seem sensitive to it." I said quietly.

"It's not like he's dead." He said with a chuckle, before being serious again. "He was a really good football player." He said, and I sensed the start of a long story. I turned all my attention to him.


JEON JUNGKOOK'S POV, flashback 4 months ago

         "Damn it Changkyun why didn't you shave before this??" I asked accusingly but also playfully to my brother. "Don't you wanna make a good impression on your new coach?" I was driving him to his first practice with his new college football team.

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