"Us? What? Lele I'm not letting you fight! You can't!" Jisung said in a stern voice.

"But Ji---"

"No is no Zhong Chenle, shut the fuck up and just watch!" Jisung snap making Chenle flinch. Seeing his mate's reaction Jisung calmed down immediately engulfing Chenle inside his arms muttering sorrys to the older as he plants a light kiss on his forehead.

"So when will you do it?" Jeno asked Renjun.

"Tomorrow night. The death anniversary of his parents is tomorrow, I guess the last wave of his emotions will be by then." Renjun answered staring on the floor blankly.

"And I'm not getting myself near him tomorrow I'm not going to school." He informed looking at everyone.

"And Lee Jeno I suggest you not to show up at school as well. If I were you I will stay here and gain some energy before fighting the Huang Renjun who is uncontrolled." That is the last thing Renjun said before leaving.


"We're home!" Jaehyun greeted as they entered their house with Jaemin trailing behind him.

"Oh hey guys!" A man seated in the couch watching baseball greeted them back.

"Dad!" Jaehyun happily greeted their dad hugging the old man as for Jaemin he just gave off a small smile watching the two unite.

"Nana.. Come here young man." Mr. Jung, their dad open his arms for Jaemin. He didn't have any hesitations in going to the old man hugging him tightly burying his face to his father's chest. Jaemin isn't their real child but they treated them as one. Jaehyun didn't complain having Jaemin around sharing his parents that was supposed to be only his. The only reason for this is they love Jaemin. The love that Jaemin didn't even realize.

"How are you hm?" Mr. Jung asked Jaemin in a soft voice.

"I'm fine. I guess."

"Dinner's ready!" Mrs. Jung yelled peeking from the dining area seeing his three men in the living room.

"Put your bag in the couch and let's have dinner okay?" Mr. Jung said kissing Jaemin's top of the head before letting him go and waited for the two to settle their bags coming in in the dining room together.

It's a usual family dinner with them catching up with each other's lives. Jaemin on the other hand stayed quiet not wanting to ruin the reunion of the Jungs. Mr. & Mrs. Jung both have their works far from where they live. They just come home from time to time to check on them or on special occasions.

"I'm done. I'm gonna rest." A small smile again appeared on Jaemin's lips but it didn't reached his eyes. They looked at Jaemin without saying a word but just worried glances towards the young male who made his way out of the dining area.

"It's tomorrow is it?" Mr. Jung opened the topic that most likely they wanted to avoid when Jaemin is with them, his parent's death anniversary. Jaehyun nodded as Mrs. Jung emitted a small hum.

"He will not go again. Probably." Jaehyun voiced out staring at his food. Jaemin haven't visited his parent's graves since they died. It's because of his guilt. Even without remembering a thing he blames himself for the accident they got involved in the past. He blames himself for being the only one alive. Sometimes a thought just comes to his mind when he is alone, I should've died with them.

Jaemin entered his room not even bothering to turn his lights on or even changing his clothes. He just threw his bag in the corner going straight on his bed laying there straight. Staring in his dark ceiling he sighed massaging his temple closing his eyes wanting to sleep. He's exhausted not only physically but mentally and emotionally.

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