Chapter 28

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This story is almost over so yeah stay with me. The long awaited Tristan's Pov. Enjoy.

Tristan's POV
This happens after he leaves the beach house so don't get confused.

All I see is red as I drive off somewhere honestly I don't even know where I am going. The look on her face while she was with him, that giggle that I know was for him it tortures me. But what I said to her, I didn't mean it I swear I didn't mean it. I was just mad. I need to hear her out, I make a U-turn but the picture of them so cozy together brings me to a hault. What have you done to me April, why did you do this? I turn on the engine and drive back home, away from her. I need space.

I just shut the door and walk straight towards my room mumbling words of greeting to my ain't and uncle. My phone dings and I hope it's her but it's Alex. A frown spreads on my face as I look at it with disgust, pictures of the two of them playing back in my head.
I finally convince myself to look and I see its a picture of the two of them with April looking so content while lying in bed with him.
I tear my eyes from the picture to the text below.

We really didn't want you to find out like this or at least this soon. After the party we were a bit drunk and you know a drunk person only tells the truth. She told me she loved me and I love her too, Tristan. I know she cares for you and respects you as the guy who pulled her together after I fucked up but her heart has always been with me. Let her go and let her be with whom she loves. ME. She is going to explain everything to you tomorrow so please hear out. She deserves closure.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I read and re-read the message. Flashes of how they were when they were together the smiles, the way they looked at each other. It was so obvious but I didn't want to admit it to myself. I grab my car keys and drive to the nearest pub and order a double whiskey and a shit of vodka. I take them both in one go and order refills. I scroll through my phone till I find a picture of her, Cait and I the night we went clubbing. A small chuckle escapes my lips as I figure maybe that was the day their affair started while I was there pouring my heart out like an idiot. I want to press the delete button so bad but I can't, it's all I have left.

After many shots, honestly I have lost count, I am pulled by a girl towards the dance floor. I let her pull me, when I look at her all I see is April and it's fucking irritating. I pull her in and assault her lips with mine and she responds with as much passion. I pull away and drag her with me to the bar. I ask for four shots of their strongest drink,i down them one after the other and my head begins to buzz and everything begins to spin. A smile spreads across my face, I push the girl onto the wall and I let out all my anger and frustration into that one kiss. After that it all becomes a blur  and I black out.

I slowly open my eyes and I feel something heavy on my chest. I push her off and the face doesn't look familiar to me. I get flashes of her at the bar and guilt sets in, I betrayed her. I betrayed April, she won't forgive me for this.... My train of thought stops as I recall Alex's words. I shake the girl and she stares me a smile spreading on her face. "You need to go," I tell her and she just nods, as she moves my hand grazes her waist and a giggle erupts from her lips.

"Sorry, I am a bit ticklish." I nod in understanding as the door burst open. April stands there her eyes wide in shock as she takes in the scene before her. Tears start rolling down her cheeks and I want to comfort her but she isn't mine anymore. I feel the girl beside me move so I pull her closer, she looks between me and her and leans in closer. I keep my eyes trained on her, my gaze steeled as Alex's words replay in my head. "Is that the ex you kept mumbling about." I give the girl a fake smile and nod. She moves away from me and struts into the bathroom like she owns the place.

I look at April every fibre of my being wanting to comfort her but I can't. "As you can see I have moved on so what are you doing here." I keep my voice cold yet nonchalant. She starts shaking her head, tears still falling from those beautiful eyes,it just doesn't look right.

"Tristan, you can't mean it. You can't just forget me like this." A smirk forms on my face as I realize it's just her ego that has been bruised this has nothing to do with us. She raises her hand to touch me but I grab it before it does and push it away. I see her stumble and all I want to do is catch her but I stand there, her eyes widen with realization of what I just did. "I love you Tristan so much." my heart clenched wanting... No needing to say it back but I know it's all fake.

I let out a laugh so cold, I can't believe it's my own,  "I don't care, I have forgotten about you. You were fun while it lasted, I guess your innocence was what turned me on but after figuring out the filth that you are..." I don't feel remorse as I look at her tears, an amazing actress, I smirk at her once more, "I got bored of you. Now leave my house." I just want her out I can't stand seeing her anymore.

She takes a step towards me, "Tristan.." and I just lose it and pull her by the arm downstairs, she keeps on talking but I tune her out.

I push her out and she fall onto the concrete floor on the porch. All I want to do is pull her up and tell her I'm sorry but my anger is in control at the moment. "Stay the fuck out of my house and out of my life. Go back to the bed you crawled out of." I slam the door shut in her face but not before seeing the shocked look on Cait's face.

I can feel the stare of my uncle and aunt's eyes but I ignore it and walk upstairs. I stand by my window and see April pull herself up as Cait walks towards her. Cait is just about to pass April when Cait holds her arm and says something I can't hear from here. She walks to the car and her eyes don't look back to me once. The car drives off and I wipe away some stray tears that had escaped. The girl whose name I don't care to know walks out fully clothed and just walks out not sparing me a glance. Probably disgusted by what I did just like I am.

My Love??Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt