Chapter 17

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I have a million thoughts going through my head like why Tristan really transferred here and if I will ever move on from Alex but I choose to push that to the back of my mind as I step out of the car and soak in the sun's rays. I quickly text Caitlin the address of the Beach house and she quickly answers. I turn my phone off, I don't want any distractions and my mom usually tries to talk to me at night so I am free for now.

"Care to help me with YOUR bags." Tristan says from the back of his car emphasising the your part.

"Nah. You are a strong guy I am sure you can handle a few bags. " I walk following the path to the house. I turn to find him staring at me in disbelief. The look on his face was priceless. "You should see the look on your face" I laugh so hard that i think i look crazy then walk back and help him with some of the bags.

"You have a beautiful laugh. You should laugh more often." I know his just trying to get a reaction but this body of mine is a traitor and I can feel blood rush to my cheeks. "Now you should see the look on your face."

"Well played Mr. Harrison. Well played." He chuckles and pulls out the keys to unlock the door.

"I always bring my best game Miss. Wilson " we both burst out laughing at his British accent I got to say it ain't that bad. He opens the door and I walk in first to find two pairs of eyes in front of me. My laugh just dies down. "What's --" his laugh dies down as he sees the reason for my silence. "Ohh hey Trevor." They do this whole man hug thing and he turns. "Ohh Stacy wassup." They just hug and i can tell their eyes are fixated on me.

"Why did you bring her?" Trevor says pointing at me. I can hear the detest and disgust in his voice as he says that. To think i thought after the breakup with Alex his hate for me would dissolve.

"You said I could bring whoever I want so I did." He says with a straight face. "Do you have a problem with it?" 

Trevor's looks between Tristan and I and just shrugs. "You can do whatever. Its your choice" I can hear anger in his voice. He then just walks away, Stacy shoots me a glare before following behind  him.

"Well, that's one way to start a vacation." I say hoping to break the tension, which usually doesn't work but with Tristan I feel like I can say anything at all and not get judged for it.

"What can I say. I ordered the best welcoming committee money can buy." We both start laughing and the air around us becomes so much easier. "So would you want to see your room madam."

"Absolutely my good man." I try a British accent and fail miserably.

"Is that an Irish accent." I punch him on the shoulder but he continues to laugh.

"No. That was a British accent. "I say while pouting.

"Well the Brits would be ashamed of your poor accent. Ma'am." He says showing off his on point British accent.

"Keep quiet my good man if you still love your tongue." He closes his mouth and covers it with his hand before we start laughing once more. He opens the door to an enormous room with large windows with a beautiful view of the sea, there is a closet at the end, an ensuite and a large bed at the centre. My mouth just hangs open astonished by the beautiful light blue colour that just lightens up the room. "Its beautiful."

"You think so. Well there is a catch you will have to share it with your friend Caitlin." I turn around and find a worried face staring back at me.

I smile at him. "That just makes it better. I wouldn't mind at all." Relief fills his features. I hug him and quickly pull away realising what I just did. "Thank you." My cheeks start heating up.

"It's no problem. Let me go settle in, in my room." He walks out the door and I start looking at the beautiful room I am going to be in for who knows how long. "Oh yeah. There is another catch. You will be sharing your bathroom with me. I am next door and there is a door connecting it to the bathroom."

"Wait doesn't that connect to this room." He smirks and I pick up a pillow he so easily dodges.

"I was hoping you wouldn't figure it out. " he picks up the pillow and throws it back at me then shuts the door. I let out a sigh of relief.

I look at myself in the mirror and realise I look a bit of a mess. I open the bathroom door and it was big and very beautiful. I open the door next to it to find Tristan unpacking his stuff. "Hey neighbour." He smiles back in my direction. "I am using the bathroom so don't open." He gives me a mischievous smile.

"No promises." I glare at him and he just puts on an innocent face. I close the door and check the room for anything i can use to stop him from entering. I find a small rope in a cabinet under the sink. I tie it to his handle and then to mine. It works on movies then why wouldn't it work on me.

I get into the shower and just turn on the cold water and let it cover my whole body. After sometime I open up the hot water and the water becomes warm. I take a bottle of showering gel and start bathing. After a few minutes I walk out of the shower before I become all pruney. I take my towel and rap it around myself. I remove the rope and open the door to find Alex standing in the room. He looks at me from head to toe and all that does is infuriate me. "Get out." I shout and he looks taken back and i repeat. "Get out." He turns around and i push him out of my room and close it.

There is a knock on the door I open ready to shout at Alex and find Tristan standing there. "Guess whose here." He steps aside revealing my best friend Caitlin. I hug her so tightly forgetting I am rapped in a towel that barely reaches my mid thigh. I lead her in and Tristan brings in the bags.

"Thanks a lot." I say to Tristan and realise that his eyes are on my legs. "My eyes are up here, pervert. " he shrugs.

"Well then why did you show off those long slender legs." I feel a blush forming on my face. Curse you overactive hormones. "I am glad I brought you here. Now I can see them as often as I please."

I push him out the door and I got to say he was putting up a bit of a fight. But finally left. "So Tristan is cute." I just shrug as i face my best friend. With Tristan and Alex under the same roof I am gonna need an anchor to stay sane. Luckily for me Caitlin is my perfect anchor.

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