Chapter 1

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The morning birds chirp outside in the lightening sky and I groan in annoyance as I feel my body waking up.

Great. So much for getting any more sleep, I think as I glance at my alarm clock to see it's only forty-five minutes past six.

Groggily, I stand and begin my daily routine to prepare for school. I internally groan when I realize that I have yet another day to look forward to being teased. I think about all the classes I must attend each day and then ponder which ones I can tune out in.

Thank God, it's Friday.

Maybe I can sleep in class?

Of course, though, it would be just my luck to try and catch some shut-eye. I could picture a teacher catching me instead, in the act, while other students in the back of the classroom are peacefully slumbering behind their open textbooks standing on their desks.

Hmmm...It wouldn't hurt to move to the back, just for today.

Once my business in the bathroom is done, I move my attention to finding a decent outfit that won't draw any unwanted attention to me.

I pause as I rifle through my jeans. Who am I kidding? Unwanted attention follows me whether I want it or not. Thanks to a certain jerk.

A part of me immediately wants to just go right back to bed and stay there until either that evil demon boy has been miraculously pulverized by a passing meteor or time itself ends.

Tempting, I sigh, but my parents will get notified by the school if I skip any classes.

My thoughts drift to the school library-my own personal safe house- and I feel slightly better knowing it's the one place where he steers clear from.

Must be that he's allergic to genius. I muse, and pull on a pair of form-fitting, low-cut denim jeans.

Not surprising, considering how he behaves in class.

Grabbing a black tee, I throw it on and hurry downstairs with my backpack in hand to eat breakfast.

Coming downstairs, I feel like I'm the only one in the house due to the lights being off.

Okay, so it's a little dark, nothing to be afraid of. I take my time to speed walk to the nearest switch and quickly throw together a batch of pancakes.

Glancing at my phone, I see that I have fifteen minutes until I need to be at school.

Wolfing down the buttermilk pancakes, I rinse my plate off in the sink, and grab my things, ready to head out the door.

"Crap!" I forgot my shoes. My hand leaves the door handle and I run upstairs, grab my sneakers, and return to the front door.

Sending my parents a quick text that I'm leaving, I lock the door and toss my backpack in the back seat of my used Nissan.

It's at least a ten-minute drive to school and I don't waste anymore time as I pull out of the driveway.

Hopefully he won't be there when I get there. Hopefully, he won't come to school at all today.

Well, a girl can dream, can't she?

I hum random tunes as I drive and when the school's parking lot comes into view, my stomach tightens in anticipation and dread.

Finding an available parking spot was always easy this time of morning. Seeing as how I decided to arrive twenty minutes before school's scheduled to begin for the day.

I get out of the car with my backpack slung over one shoulder, and hurry to a side door, knowing that one of the custodians would have left it unlocked, just for me since he knows about my situation.

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