Chapter 21

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After the whole ordeal with Alex, I go into my room.. Wow I already consider that room mine. I take a chair from the corner of the room and stare at the beautiful scenery.

"Boo." I jump and fall on my butt. My poor butt. I see Tristan and Cait laughing as I stand up rubbing my butt.

"Why do you guys have to be so mean?" I say as I pout at them.

"We know what will make you feel better. There is a club a few minutes from here. Want to go."Cait says she looks through the closet for something to wear.

"Didn't the hangover you had teach you a lesson or do you need another one." I question in a what I hope is an intimidating tone.

"The pills are there, mom." Tristan says in a condescending tone. I give him the best glare I can master but from the smile that's on his face it ain't working. "You look so cute like that."

I quickly break eye contact and face Cait whose now looking for shoes. "Fine. I am coming with you, you need someone to keep you guys in check." Tristan grins and says his going to get ready and leaves the room.

"Now let's pick an outfit out for you." She picks out a body hugging black dress with which is like a tube dress but the top part is made with a lace. She brings out her four inch black heels and helps me get ready.

A few minutes later there is a knock on the bathroom door and in comes Tristan in a plain white shirt with a leather jacket on top, some jeans and a pair of Jordans. He looks hot. His eyes wander over my body and stops when he stares into my eyes. A smile plays on his lips
"You look absolutely gorgeous. I know we are suppose to stay on a friends bases but girl you are making things difficult." He bites his bottom lip and just stares at me. "Why do you have to be so damn tempting." I feel my cheeks heat up and turn around to face the full length mirror. Cait curled my hair and it frames my face. My lips are coloured with a dark red lipstick and the smoky eye makes my green eyes pop. I can barely recognise myself, I can see Tristan's eyes still on me.

"Staring is rude, you know." Looking at his reflection and his eyes seem to bore through me.

"Then try not to look that good then." He says with his hands up in surrender. "Cause as long as you look this hot. I will keep staring."

"If you guys are done flirting. If I can even call it that, can you tell me where my clutch is." Cait says as she rolls her eyes.

"Its on the top shelf of the closet." I say while looking at my best friend who looks absolutely gorgeous yet Tristan hasn't spared her a glance.

"Gorgeous." He says, I turn and I hear a click. "You look gorgeous in this picture." There is a smile on my face and my lips are slightly parted. Got to say I look good. "Hey Alex. Care to take a picture of me and my girls." Alex walks in and his eyes land on me I can easily are the pained expression on his face, I quickly look away. I know he hurt me but does he deserve to lose Cait because we are having problems. A few years back it wld have been him wanting to take a picture with us and now his on the outside.

"Yeah sure." He takes Tristan's phone. He puts his arm around my waist and the other on Cait's shoulder, Cait's arm is on his waist and the other on his chest. I put one arm on his chest and the other on my side. He snaps the picture and we take a lot of different posses but I just don't feel comfortable. After his done he returns the phone to Tristan. "So where are you guys going."

"We are going to the new club. It's couple minutes drive from here.". Tristan says as he looks at the pictures. "Want to join us."

Alex looks into my eyes, he can easily see how tense I am. "No, I will be fine maybe next time." He walks out and I let out a breath I had no idea I was holding.

"Are you okay." Cait asks and I nod. "So let's go clubbing bitches." She shouts as she walks out. I shake my head as I watch her walk out.

I feel a slight brush on my hand and face Tristan. I move my hand closer and he intertwines our fingers together and gives me a light squeeze and leads me out the door. We reach the club and I just take a single shot of tequila. "Want to dance." I nod and Tristan leads me towards the dancefloor. I just let my mind get lost in the music as I dance in perfect harmony with him. The song comes to an end and I turn to face Tristan whose eyes show nothing but adoration for me and only me.

"Excuse me." I say as I walk towards the ladies room and Tristan goes back to the bar. I am about to enter the bathroom when someone pulls me towards them.

"Hello gorgeous. " I turn to find a guy who looks like his in his early forties or late thirties.

"Let me go." I try to get out of his grip but his grip is iron tight. "I said let me go." He just smirks a smirk that sends chills down my spine. I just take a deep breath and calm myself. "Let me go." I say once more but he just starts scanning my body with his eyes. I slap him as hard as I can and his grip loosens and I pull my hand off him.

"You little bitch." He balls his hand into a fist and I shut my eyes and duck my head waiting for impact but nothing. I still don't move till I hear a thud, I see Alex standing over the guy as he throws another punch at the man who is already bleeding from a broken nose and seems like a broken jaw, he finally let's him go. I run into his arms, he stiffens but then relaxes and puts his arms around me.

"Thanks." I say in the middle of the sob. "A lot. You seem to always be there on time."

"Anything for you, Tinky." I smile as remember he used to call me that back in kindergarten and middle school because I wore clothes with Tinkerbell on them and my bedroom had pictures of Tinkerbell all over my walls and on my sheets, lunch box and everything else I owned.

"I missed this a lot." I say as I face him, looking him straight in the eye.

"Do you think we can ever go back to the way things were."

"I don't know but i know I don't want you out of my life." He looks down and I squeeze his hand so he can look at me. "I don't know if its the shock of what just happened but I know you have always been there for me. We have been friends for ages and I don't want to lose that over a relationship that wasn't written in the stars."

He looks me in the eye and I do the same. "So what do we do now."

I smile him at him. "We start over. Hey my name is April but you can call me Tinky. Thanks for saving my life." I say stretching out my arm.

"My name is Alexander but you can call me Alex. I couldn't help but save a damsel in distress. Don't you have to get back to your friends." He says with a smirk on his face.

I shake my head. "Nah I wanna go back to the house. Can you give me a ride.

He smiles. "Where do you live."

"I believe we are housemates."

"Lead the way, my lady." He says with a slight bow and we kind of jump over the mans body. To tell the truth I don't feel any sympathy for this man, when i think of what would have happened if Alex had not showed up goosebumps cover my whole body. Did he follow me here or something but right now it doesn't matter, I might get my friend back and that's all I care about. I text Tristan and enter Alex's car.

Our new beginning. Its no longer a love story, we are just friends.

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