Chapter 19

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Tristan finally decides to join us and as I get closer to the beach I realise everyone is already here including Alex. I choose to just not let what he did affect me, i am on holiday after all. "So you ready for the water." Tristan says and I shake my head.

"Your loss." He jumps into the water.

"Remove your clothes if you don't want me to throw you into the water." Cait says and I know better than to taste her. I look away and start removing my clothes wouldn't want to get them wet. Without them I feel so exposed I am practically naked just a few pieces of fabric covering my body.

I turn around and find that Cait is swimming but there is no sign of Tristan. My feet are lifted off the ground and before I know it, I am being carried by a laughing soaking wet Tristan towards the sea. "Put me down" I scream but all I want is to stay in his arms a little longer feeling his hard chest and his abs before I can feel his torso anymore he drops me into the water I got to confess its not cold at all, its quite warm. I swim back up to the surface and find a laughing Tristan. I suck in a deep breath and go under. He wants to play let's play.

A few minutes later I hear the laughter die down and I start hearing panic as he calls my name. He jumps in and I start letting my body seem limp. As I feel his arm around my waist and swims us up, as we are about to reach the top I escape his grip and push him down while I push myself up. "What the hell." He shouts as he finally comes up.

I put on an innocent face. "It was the panic I almost drowned because some fool chose to throw me into the water.''

"I am so sorry." He says with guilt written all over his face and I start laughing, I couldn't contain myself anymore. "You were pretending.''

I shrug, "Maybe, maybe not." A smirk firmly planted on my face. "I got you good Tristan."

He pushes me down and I hold onto him and we go down together, with the light of the sun shining above us it just looks so beautiful. He stares into my eyes as I stare into his, for a minute I forget we are underwater well it is until I hear panicked screams for us by Cait. He smirks and pulls me up. "We are here." He says as we come up.

"What were you guys doing down there for so long. Oh you were having an underwater experience alone." She says and Alex turns to see us.

"I am sorry for this." Tristan says as he turns to face me.

"Wha---" before I could say anything he presses his lips on mine and then quickly pulls away like a peck. "Why did you do that?" I whisper a little bit entranced by what just happened.

"Alex deserves this. Look at him." I turn around to face a fuming Alex.

"Then let me do this." He nods. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer and he doesn't protest. "I am not going to kiss you that easily."

He smirks. "Well I don't think you will be able to help yourself." He says as he gets closer. We are just inches apart.

"Guys i am about to puke over here." Cait screams and i turn slightly brushing my lips against Tristan's.

"If you wanted to kiss me just ask." He says as I pull away from the position we are in.

"Don't hold your breath." I say as I swim towards shore. I can hear him chuckle when I turn and see his still where I left him.

"What was that?" Cait asks and I shrug and she holds my arm but I am able to free it.

I place my towel on the sand and wear my sunglasses. "We were just caught in the moment." I say as I signal a fuming Alex.

She puts her towel beside mine and puts on her glasses. "You guys did that to get to him." I nod. "When did my friend grow up so tough."

"When my heart got broken." I say and her smile falls. "Its just a bit of revenge."

"Be careful not to break your heart in the process." She says with a straight face.

"You can't break what's already broken can you." I say as we are soaking in the sun's rays.

"But really instead of trying to get revenge on Alex. Please try to get Tristan to fall for you. His a great guy and you would love each other also his worth your time." I can hear the worry in my friend's voice.

"I just want him to feel the same pain I did when he cheated on me." I say trying to blink away the tears. "And Tristan wants to help me. I need closure, Cait. And I can't think of a better way to get it."

"Hun. I am sorry for what he did but just leave him be." She turns my face so we're face to face. "You came on holiday to have fun not have him ruin it for you. If you keep doing this, you will be hurting yourself as well."

I look away and realise she's right I came here to have some fun not make Alex jealous. I stand up. "Tristan." I shout and Cait looks at me and I nod.

"So wassup." He says almost out of breath and I can see as each drop of water trails down his chest and abs. He looks absolutely breathtaking.

"Well its about Alex. I have decided, i don't want to make him jealous." I take in a deep breath and I can see a smile on Cait's face. "I came here to have fun. Nothing else."

"Hmmm okay. But I was starting to enjoy it." He steps towards me as I step back. "I loved having you so close to me. And I have to confess I didn't do that to get Alex jealous. Its cause I wanted to." He keeps walking towards me and I keep walking backwards and my gaze never falls from his blue eyes which make the sea pale in comparison. Those eyes pull me into a deeper trance. My foot steps on something slippery and I lose my balance and he catches me just as I am about to fall. "If its a way of saying that you are falling for me then don't worry I will always catch you." He winks at me.

"Not in your dreams." I say as he pulls me up. "Want to play a game."

"What do you have in mind." I can see Caitlin's curious face peeping through.

"Have you ever played. Never have I." He smiles and he knows the game.

"We will be drinking alcohol or I sink this ship." He says and my eyes widen, I focus my gaze on Caitlin.

She walks up to us and puts her hand on my shoulder. "We wouldn't have it any other way."

My Love??حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن