Chapter 23

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"So what would her royal highness need?" Alex says with a small bow, I could tell his eyes were brighter than they had been since we have been apart.

"Well my good man, chocolate chip pancakes are the best for such a beautiful morning." Immediately my mind plays back what happened this morning with Tristan, my fingers subconsciously trace my lips and I can feel my cheeks heating up.

"What's that look for." Alex asks with a smirk on his lips. I look down trying to avoid his gaze.

"Nothing, it's nothing." he gives me that puppy dog look that he knows I can't resist. "Fine I will tell you." his smile enlarges. "This morning Tristan just came to check on me and we kinda got caught up in the moment and we... Ummmmm..... You know we.." I pucker up my lips showing him instead of telling him.

"You guys kissed?" I nod and I can tell his grey eyes darken a little bit before he blinks it away. "Finally, I can't believe it took you guys so long to actually kiss."his voice sounds nonchalant but I can tell his stiff from the way his shoulder are now rigid."So what's bother you then."he says as he turns to make the pancake batter

"It's something that Trevor said that has me thinking." I can tell he is about to say something against it so I beat him to it. "I know his not the best candidate to listen to but hear me out. Tristan came here at the beginning of the final term of senior year, why. I mean his only got a few weeks and we don't even learn then it's just like saying goodbye to your friends. So why didn't he stay at a friend's place for the remainder of the year but he transferred instead why? And Trevor said I should fear Tristan more than him. I am just so confused. " I say with a sigh, Alex is already plating at this point. He even added some strawberries just for good measure. His eyes show confliction as he hands me my plate. He let's out a deep breath, which sounds more like a sigh of surrender.

"I think you should talk to him about it. You like him, I can tell you like him so don't even try to deny it. Don't let this seed of doubt planted by Trevor grow, we all know Trevor is a drama queen so he could exaggerate. So talk to Tristan he likes you and I know he will be honest with you." I jump over the counter and hug Alex.

" When did you become so smart? " I say a smile playing on my lips. I pull out of the hug and go back to my plate. "So what is happening with you and Stacy." I start eating my food looking at him expectantly.

"I don't know what we are. I'm a bit lost at the moment but I will figure it out." I can tell he doesn't like her cause he doesn't have that glow in his eyes when he talks about her.

"Just don't make a mistake, if you like her stay but if you don't please be honest with her. She deserves at least that much." he nods, I take my empty plate and place it in the sink. "Thanks for the advice. I had missed you." I say as I walk out of the kitchen and I was being honest, he was a great friend.

"I miss us too." I hear him whisper and my heart breaks a little bit, he still has feelings for me. I push that thought to the back of my mind as I knock on Tristan's door.

"Come in." I walk in and find Tristan lifting weights his skin is glistening with the thin layer of sweat. He stares straight into my eyes and I stare into his. "Hey beautiful."

A small smile forms on my lips. "I really need to talk to you Tristan." I say my voice serious cause I was serious about this. His face shows concern as he puts down the weights and takes a towel wiping the sweat away. I mentally groan as he does so, that is until he removes his sweat drenched vest. I look down to hide the blush that was forming on my face. When I look up his got a black t-shirt on.

"What's wrong? Is it the kiss. I am sorry, I shouldn't have done it if you werent ready but I don't regret it though." I put my finger on his lips to shut him up.

"I don't regret it either." his eyes brighten at my words and I choose to continue. "I wanna know why you moved. The real reason. "

He leads me to his bed and motions for me to take a sit and I do. He follows suit, "Before I tell you this you need to promise me it won't change how you see me." I give him a small smile and a nod. He takes a deep breath, "Where I used to live, I had a friend of mine, Bryce, we were like brothers. We did everything together we were even on the sports team together, he was my quarterback and I was his running back. We were so inseparable that is until that one night. Stacy had come to visit during the holidays and naturally she met Bryce since we were always together. Stacy and Bryce became good friends immediately, he made her laugh. I could tell he liked Stacy but i wasn't sure how Stacy felt about him so I stayed out of it. One night we went to a party, like always we went together. In the midst of the party I lost track of Stacy and Bryce. Since Stacy didn't really know the place I decided to search for her. I searched room after room until i found her. I found her pressed against the wall her arms held together by Bryce while was... " I heard his voice break, I told him he didn't have to continue but he insisted," the bastard was trying force himself on her, she turned to face me and never have I seen her look so broken and scared. Everything just went red and the next thing I knew Stacy was pulling me away from Bryce's bloody body. She checked his pulse and saw he was alive and we left him there. Honestly I felt no remorse, I was willing to let him bleed to death but luckily for him, he was discovered quickly and taken to the hospital. Stacy left after that episode and well Bryce suffered from amnesia. He tried to talk to me but I avoided him and gradually he got the hint and left me alone. That was until one day when he cornered me, he had remembered and was going to press charges. Bryce's father is a well known lawyer so I was obviously doomed to go to prison, that was until he heard our side of the story. He knew he could easily get me into prison but a scandal like this would ruin his reputation so he decided to put a restraining order against me. I couldn't be in a kilometer of Bryce or I would face jail time so here I am." My eyes were already glassy with tears so I blinked them away.

"You didn't deserve this, though I am happy it brought you to me. I would have done exactly what you did if not worse. I am proud of what you did."

"i was willing to let a person die with no remorse, April. None at all." I looked him in the eye.

"I would do the very same thing if I was in your place that's for sure. I don't think any less of you if anything I adore you even more." I look him straight in the eye, unwavering.

"April, you are way more than I deserve but I can't help but love you." he maintains eye contact but I drop mine. He lefts my head up by my chin, "I'm in love with you, April. I don't wanna lose you for anything."

"I love you too Tristan, I love you way more. I love you more than your past, your flaws and your problems. I love the way you helped out a girl you barely knew, checked on her, been there for her and even took her into your home, if a guy like this is bad then I want the guy that's bad for me."a small smile plays on his lips and I can't help but return the smile.

" Be my girlfriend, April Wilson." I pretend like I am thinking but I already know the answer.

"I would love nothing more than to be yours Tristan Harrison." his eyes are dark and I know mine are surely the same. I move closer to him and press our lips together, the kiss is so soft and passionate it says it all... He loves me and I love him

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