Chapter 13

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I slowly open my eyes and I am instantly blinded by the light of the sun. I look at my phone and it shows that its 11:06 in the morning. I sit up and am hit by a dizzy spell then nausea. I race up stairs and start puking but not for long since i didn't really eat anything.

I start thinking of Tristan, how he tied my hair back and soothed me. A smile forms on my face as i sit on the floor and flash the toilet. I crawl to my bedroom desk and see the crackers that i left yesterday. Before the party i hadn't had a taste of alcohol and now two mornings in a row I am waking up with a hangover. I pick up my phone and call Alex.

"Hello," a female voice answers, "Alex is taking a shower. You can leave a message with me if its urgent."  So he didn't go to school and there is a girl in his bedroom. I know its not his mom because he does not allow anyone to answer his phone other than Cait and I. He probably slept with her. Why did i even call him, force of habit i guess.

I take a cold shower and change into my hoodie and sweatpants. I take a huge jug of yoghurt and take a spoon then sit on the couch watching "The Voice." Its the one show that makes me forget everything and even sing along. I spend two hours bench watching the voice with my yoghurt. I hear a knock on the door and just drag myself of the couch. "Hey, Tristan."

He smiles and I gesture him to come in. "Hey. Why didn't you come to school today?'' He walks in and immediately notices the bottle of alcohol. "You drank again. What happened?''

I take in a deep breath and sit on the couch. I tap the seat beside me signaling him to sit down, he sits down. "Well I followed your advice and went to go see him. Before i reached his house, i saw him sitting next to Stacy. Then they kissed. I left before it got any further." His eyes slightly widen and then he just adjusts them in time, hoping that I would not notice. "What is it?'' He shakes his head. "I said what is it don't make me repeat myself." I say with a straight face.

He let's out a breath and just looks me in the eye then puts his hand over mine. I am worried and i guess he can notice because he just nods. "Well Stacy didn't come home last night."

"So she is the girl who answered the phone." I say and tears threaten to fall. "To think he said he likes me yesterday then sleeps with her. Its like he just took my heart and smashed it into pieces, no scratch that he took my heart and slammed it between the door and doorframe over and over again till there was nothing left." I just let the tears that are threatening to fall go. He pulls me into a hug and i never felt any safer.

"I am sorry April but drinking does not solve our problems. " he looks at me in the eye, pity evident in his. "Promise me you won't drink again."

The concern and worry vivid in his eyes makes me feel bad for worrying him. "I promise I won't drink again or do anything that can harm me." I smile at him reassuringly and he wipes away my tears. "Oh yeah and I won't cry over Alex again he ain't worth it." He finally returns my smile and I feel a bliss of joy overwhelm me. "Can you pick me up tomorrow with the whole play over i don't have a ride."

"Sure." He smiles and I knew that he was hiding something but I just didn't know what. I gave him a questioning look and he just shrugs. We spend the rest of the afternoon talking, watching televisions and just enjoying the bliss of each others company.
"Now let's go cook." He pulls me by the hand and puts me on the chair. He makes mac n cheese, sits down and watches me eat. I offer him a plate but he bluntly refuses. We spent the whole day laughing and talking about our lives. Turns out he was a quarterback at his old school, he might even get a scholarship. He leaves at around six and I got to say he helped me forget about Alex.

I turn on my computer and find an email from my mom. Hun we are sorry but we will be stuck here for a week or a little longer. We miss you. Take care. No parties in the house.
Love you Hun

I turn off the laptop and drop myself on the bed. I scroll through my phone and land on Tristan's number.

-Thanks for making my day. A

A few minutes later my phone buzzes.

-I have that effect on people. Now have a good nights sleep. T

-Good night.

I turn my phone off and put it in the charger and then go to bed. I wake up early, take a shower and got changed. I am having cereal when the doorbell rings. "Hey, are you ready to go." I nod and dump my cereal in the sink and rush to the door.

I look up and find a motorcycle. "You want me to get on this death machine."

He looks at me with a smirk on his face.   "Yeah just try it." I give him a questioning look. "Please just get on." Whats the worst that's going to happen. Well you end up dead. I put my leg over and take a seat. He hands me a helmet and gets on. I hold on tight to him as it speeds up.

At first my heart is racing but then adrenalin kicks in and I am enjoying myself. He halts at a stop sign. "Take the long way to school and get this baby moving as fast as it can." He looks at me and just nods. He goes the longest way to get to school and he was speeding so fast that most things were a blur. I start screaming with excitement and I could feel him laughing at my reaction. I find myself smiling and enjoying the ride by the time we get to school, I didn't want to leave.

He removes his helmet and holds out his hand, I take it and climb off the bike and start walking into the school.. "So what do you think? Is it really a death machine?" I shake my head. I can see girls giving me weird looks but I really couldn't care less."Good cause I want to take you somewhere after school."

"Where?'' he shrugs and walks off. I realise he walked me to my next class. I look inside and I notice that Alex isn't in, must have decided to ditch school with Stacy. The whole day drags by I was so looking forward to Tristan's plan for us. But my day got brighter when they said seniors were dismissed from school.

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