chapter 23 - "payback"

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song for chapter:
you don't own me - geazy
(highly recommend + put on repeat)

back again, walking these dead halls that are filled with people who I don't care enough about to associate myself with.

new year, new semester, some new people, different classes, different people.

maybe this is a good fresh start.

only 4 months till summer break, then I'll never have to deal with it again.

"laney!" Ivy's voice echoed throughout the halls, not caring who heard her.

I turned around seeing ivy shuffle through the crowd of people, finally standing next to me.

I smiled being amused by her frustration. annoyed ivy is a funny version of her.

"people are so fucking annoying." she mumbled being irritated by all of the other students.

"rough day so far huh?" I laughed lightly as we continued to walk down the halls.

"yeah, I don't get how you're having a better day than me right now." she plainly said referring to ethan and i's break up.

a heavy sigh left my mouth as my hands held onto the straps of my backpack. "im not gonna lie and say it doesn't hurt, but I'm not gonna cry about it. it's over. there's nothing I can do."

ivy's eyes widened as she mumbled, "there's something I can do."

my jaw clinched, knowing she was up to something.

my hand grabbed onto her wrist tightly, stopping her from walking. "what are you talking about?"

she shrugged, "bashing sidneys face into a damn locker." she spoke with no remorse.

"ivy-" I started to speak, but she cut me off.

"does this shit not piss you off? she ruined your relationship. I have no idea how you're not in hand cuffs yet, if I were you she'd be in the emergency room." ivy told me with an aggressive tone.

"ivy, she wants us to get mad. that's why she's still doing all of this." i tried to explain.

"I don't care. It worked." ivy clinched her jaw angrily.

"please don't, for me?" i asked with hope filling my eyes.

I'm not going to let ivy get expelled for something that has nothing to do with her.

this is between sidney and I, it's my choice what goes down. there's no point in fighting back, or she will just keep going because she will know it affected me.

Ivy's eyes rolled deeply, annoying at my begging voice. "fine."

I nodded my head, letting out air through my nose. "thank you."

we began to walk again, pushing past students.

something caught my eyes, sidney was walking down the hall with a couple of girls, and two guys.

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