chapter 5 - "let go"

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song for chapter:
don't leave by snakehips
(highly recommend + put on repeat)

I walked down the hall keeping a fast pace to make sure I wasn't going to be late for first period.

i can't lie and say that I'm not nervous. especially after everything that happened this weekend.

first, ethan protected me.

then, out of nowhere he kissed me.

and now we haven't talked or seen each other since then.

now I have to be face to face with him after three days of no communication.

all weekend, our moment on that damn balcony has been nonstop playing on repeat in my head.

he was so powerful and I could feel it everywhere in me. apart of me can still feel it.

no matter how cliche it sounds, it was something I have never felt before, it was so electric.

there's no way he didn't feel it too, it was too powerful.

I turned on my heel into first period as the bell set off; making it just in time.

"cutting it close aren't we?" my teacher sent me a glare while slowly looking back down to his phone.

I rolled my eyes letting out a huff of air.

my eyes traveled around to everyone in the room who were all doing the daily work like usual since our teacher is too lazy to actually educate us.

ethan wasn't here though.

i could feel my mood shift going on a downhill slant.

blowing it off, I sat down into a seat in one of the multiple open front seats incase our teacher would decide to teach us.

as class began, I just started doing my daily work and even started on my homework.

it was quite throughout the whole class time and if I'm being honest, I couldn't get my mind to latch onto anything else except ethan.

he's probably at home sick in bed and couldn't get up this morning.
poor thing.

my mind started to slowly remember that I had his number.

on wednesday last week we all gave each other our numbers at lunch so we could text each other where to meet or if someone wasn't at school.

I know that was just an excuse for ivy and sidney to get graysons number.

maybe I can just send him a quick text.

as I pulled up his contact, I found myself at a loss of words on what to say.

do I mention this weekend?

or do I just asked him about where he is?

me: hey why aren't you at school today?

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