I've Got What I Wanted. Part 29

Start from the beginning

He finally looked up at me. "I couldn't just leave you after all of that. I wanted to explain why and that I'll be there for the baby. I could leave without letting you know that." 

“What made you change your mind then?” I don’t really know if I was glad that he changed his mind. Part of me is glad that he actually didn’t tell me. And I don’t know why. I think it’s because he was there when I was freaking out about the baby. If he told me then, he might not have been there. But I wish he did tell me then because he’s lied to me for so long. I seriously don’t know what to think. And none of this would be happening if he didn’t kiss someone in the first place. I honestly just feel like leaving for a while. Basically just to think things over. I’m really pissed off he lied to me. Right now, I hate him. Like more than I’ve ever hated him.

“When I was sitting talking to you, I just couldn’t say it. I knew I should have, but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t lose you again. The first thing I thought about was what it felt like a few Christmas’ ago when we were on a break. And then it’ll only be worse this time because there’s a baby and you would probably leave me for good. So I didn’t tell you so I wouldn’t lose you.” He sighed, looking back down at the table. “It was selfish of me. And I’m sorry for that as well as kissing someone else. And then making it worse by lying for so long.”

I could see how sorry he was. But it didn’t make things better. And there was one thing that was bugging me. And I don’t even know why I’m thinking this. “Who did you kiss?” Surely some random woman wouldn’t come up and talk to him. And he wouldn’t start pouring his heart out to someone he doesn’t know. So he must have known her.

“I don’t know; it was some girl at the hospital.” He said glancing up at me.

Does he really think I’m an idiot? I could tell that he was lying. “Seriously Caleb? I know you’re lying. You know who it was.”

He sighed looking up at me. “Riley, it doesn’t matter who it was. A kiss is a kiss. I don’t want you to know who it was.”

“Just tell me; I want to know. Right now, I’m already too pissed off.” I really don’t know if I can get any more pissed off. But then again, I still haven’t found out who he kissed. It could be someone that I know for all I know.

He looked back at the table, picking at his fingernails. “Stephanie,” he mumbled to himself. Is he for real?

“Are you serious?”

All he could do was nod. I can’t believe he kissed Stephanie. Out of all the people he could have kissed, he kissed her. I would imagine she would start the kiss, but he kissed her back. He kissed my half sister. The girl I hate and who hates me. He just made it so much worse. He knows how I feel about her, yet he still kissed her. I wouldn’t be so pissed if he said he pushed her away straight away. It’s that fact that he kissed her back. Really, there’s a lot I’m pissed off about.

“I swear it was only the once. I was upset and all over the place about you. And I was telling her how we were arguing when the accident happened and it looked like we were going to break up. And when I started crying she hugged me. But when she pulled away she kissed me. She thought that we broke up, which she thought was a good excuse. But I had a go at her when I pushed her away. Please, Riley, it was stupid and will never happen again.” He was pretty much begging now. But I can’t forgive him. Not now at least. I just need some time to think about things. I don’t know if he falls into the saying, ‘once a cheat, always a cheat’. I need to think about whether he’s do it again. If he loved me so much, why did he do it the first time?

I stood up and left the room. I just need to get out of here for a while. I walked up to our room and started packing some clothes. “What are you doing?” Caleb said from the door.

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