Chapter forty-seven.

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I'll say it once. Fuck the writers for ruining Chris's storyline the way they did. For the shitty goodbye scene we got and to have the audacity to say they hope we found the conclusion satisfying. Smh. To paraphrase one Twitter user, the finale sucked donkey balls!!! Despite my depressed state about the situation, I promise to finish this story with the best wedding ever. Karamel will get their happy ending, Mon-el won't say deuces and leave.  Okay, let's get on with it. It's gonna be a long chapter because of the wait. Sorry but here you go.

" Winn!!! What are you doing??!!! Keep that tequila away from here! It's not worthy to be part of my selection! " Alex scolded him as he attempted to take the bottle out of the cupboard.

" Okay!!! I'm sorry! Jeez." he said holding his hands up  in defence.

" Hey, aren't you scared that Kara is gonna just walk in catch us in here?" he asked.

" No way. She already knows we're doing this so she obviously made herself scarce. Or she's with Mon-el." Alex guessed.

"Okay, so the booze is set up. My work here is done." Alex clapped her hands together.

" Well I've got all the snacks lined up and the playlist is loaded." he replied.

"Right, now all we gotta do in hang the decorations before everyone gets here. We have about two hours." he said grabbing the balloons he bought.

"Ugh. I hate to decorate." Alex huffed in annoyance.


" Okay, open them!" he laughed as he held out his hands in front of her.

Kara laughed as she opened her eyes to see a little box wrapped clumsily in gift paper before her eyes.

" Happy earth birthday!!" he squealed.

"Thank you." she blushed as she took the gift out of his hands.

Mon-el had taken her for a walk in the park while everyone else set up the apartment. He didn't mind, after all he got more alone time with her.

" Sooooo....." Kara began awkwardly.

" Sooooo....??" Mon-el asked.

" So what do we do while Alex and Winn set up my apartment that I'm not supposed to know about?" she smiled.

" Ohh. Right, well we could do anything. Go for ice cream, take a walk, see a movie, you name it." he suggested.

" Well, I guess I....." she was cut short by her phone ringing desperately.

" Hello? Oh.... yes sir......but....wasn't another reporter......okay......I understand......yes immediately.....don't worry.......I'm on my way......bye." she muttered incoherently before she ended the call.

" Sorry babe, but Snapper needs me to cover some new story about the new alien tech that just hit the market. I gotta go. I'll see you at my apartment." she said as she rushed off.

"Kara!!" he shouted as she distanced herself.

" What?!" she called.

" Don't forget to act surprised!!!" he reminded her.

She gave him a thumbs up before she hustled down the street and was soon nowhere to he seen.

Well, looks like he had more time on his hands to panic. After all, today was the day. The day he sweat through his shirt with nervousness of course.


Mon-el was pacing up and down continuously while he and the rest of the gang waited for Kara to stumble upon her "surprise" party.

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