Chapter three

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Kara sat outside the med bay while continuously twiddling her thumbs as her anxiety got the better of her. The doctors had been in there for over two hours and there was no telling just how dire the situation really was.
Alex came up to her and handed her a cup of coffee from Noonan's. She drank it and managed to smile gratefully at Alex as she recognized her go to order. But there was still so much unsaid between the two of them, as Alex would phrase it, there was definitely an elephant in the room. Obviously referring to her declaration of love for Mon-el. She just admitted to her sister that she was in love, without her sister even knowing that she and Mon-el were a thing in the first place. She knew Alex was gonna revisit the subject soon so she just decided to savour whatever time she had left before the most overprotective sister in the world decided to play a fun little game of the third degree. She could feel Alex's eyes boring into her skin and out of her peripheral she saw Alex was about to open her mouth to say something but the doctors came out the same time. Thank Rao.

"Doctor, how is he? Is he going to be alright? Did you get the bullet out?" she rattled.
"Kara, one question at a time." Alex intervened.
"Yes, we managed to get the bullet out and stop the bleeding. He is stable for the time being, but...." the doctor responded.
"But what?" Kara enquired.
" But, seeing as seeing as the bullet pierced so close to his heart, the fragments managed to pierce his carotid arteries leading to his brain, cutting off the oxygen flow to his brain.

"Meaning?" Kara asked.
"Meaning, it has left him in a comatose state." the doctor replied softly.

"What? For how long?" Kara asked worriedly as she could feel the panic building in her chest.

" In a normal scenario, the artery shouldn't take very long to heal and restore the oxygen flow but with his lead allergy..." the doctor continued but Kara's mind had already left the conversation.

No. How could she be so stupid? Mon-el had a lead allergy. One that she was supposed to know about after their not so cozy stay at Cadmus. Yet the thought never crossed her mind when she agreed to let him accompany her to the bank robbery. He should have been the last person that should've gone with her. She should've said no, she should've said no for God's sake. If she did then he would be conscious and smiling goofily at her right now. Except he wasn't, he was struggling to recover and it was all because of her naivety. Oh, what was she thinking?

"Kara?" Alex called.
"Kara? Are you okay?...." Alex asked.
"Kara?!" Alex shouted one last time.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." she tried to reply convincingly.
" So doctor, are you saying that because of his allergy to lead, he might never wake up?" Kara asked hoping her theory was wrong.
"It's a possibility that we have to consider. But as I said before, anything can happen. He could wake up but we are just going to have to wait and see." the doctor concluded.
"Thank you." Kara managed to say.
"Can I see him?" she asked hopefully.
The doctor nodded before leaving the med bay to attend to her other responsibilities. Kara then entered as Alex slowly followed her.

Kara watched as he peacefully slept right before she sat next to him. Letting out a heavy and frustrated sigh, she looped her hand into his while looking up at him.

"I'm so so sorry this happened to you." she apologized sincerely.
"I'm sorry for not being more aware of your lead allergy, and for not realizing that I had missed the last robber before he shot you." she added as her vision began to become blurry with her new wave of tears.

Alex suddenly felt like she was intruding on a private moment between the two but Kara took no notice of her presence.

"Mon-el you need to wake up, okay? You need to be as strong as I know you are and I need you to fight this. I need you to come back to me." she begged.

Kara didn't know why she expected him to respond to her voice but he showed no change, no sign that he was waking up any time soon.

And with that she reluctantly let go of his hand and proceeded to make her way out of the med bay. She needed time to think about some things. About her feelings, about everything.

"Kara wait!" Alex called out to her.

Kara turned around and faced her sister.

"We need to talk." Alex suggested.
Kara opened her mouth to protest but Alex wasn't done.

"And don't try to make up some excuse as to why you can't because there is no way I'm leaving you to yourself tonight. Not after everything that has just happened." Alex demanded.

Kara sighed, " Fine, my place tonight then, we will talk."

Alex nodded and Kara made her way out of the DEO. No doubt, going home to prepare to tell her sister everything and to answer all of her questions.

Hey guys, I've decided to go ahead with the story until the end. Some angsty stuff is definitely coming up in future chapters but Karamel will always win in the end. That's a promise. Don't forget to leave comments. Criticism is also welcome but only those that could actually help improve the story. Any ideas for the next chapter are also welcome. Who knows maybe one might make it into the next chapter. Bye for now ~ Karishma

Tell me you don't love me ~ A Karamel Story (Supergirl)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ