Chapter one

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Karamel is love, better than life and my OTP. 🤗

Tell me you don't love me~ A Karamel Story

It was all her fault. Nobody could tell her she wasn't to blame for this. One day she thought, she was only allowed to be truly happy for one day. She could have prevented this in so many ways but she didnt. She was supposed to be a hero that everyone in National City could look up to and aspire to be one day. But how could she call herself a hero when she couldn't even protect the people that meant the most to her.

~~~~~~~~~~2 weeks earlier~~~~~~~~
Kara awoke to the sun's rays  slowly finding their way through her bedroom window as morning arrived.
With her super hearing she could distinctively hear each and every sound that signified a brand new day in National City. She listened to the people shuffling about trying to get to work on time and the children running about as they enjoyed life without any worries for the next day. People were filling up on their morning coffee, without a doubt to give them the caffeine kick they needed to survive the rest of the day.

While she had the ability to listen to the busy streets of the city, there was one particular sound that caught her attention. She could hear light but adorable snores coming from the opposite side of her bed, and they belonged to none other than a certain Daxamite. As she turned around to get a better view, she was met with the most adorable face that belonged to the boy that captured her heart. With his eyes closed and the gentle rising and falling of his chest, he looked so peaceful. No one could look at him and be able to tell he had just lost his planet and was living as a refugee in an entirely new world. But he wasn't alone, because he had her. She was his someone who promised to be there for him and help him to adjust.

Kara was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize the alien lying adjacent to her was starting to wake up.
"Good Morning beautiful," he said as she was pulled out of her thoughts and saw that he was awake.
"Hi." she said as she tried not to blush as the events of the previous night came rushing back into her mind.
"Hi." he replied with nothing but a warm smile on his face.
" Soooo, I had a really nice time last night," she began while staring at him but looked down as soon as her eyes met his.
" Yeah?" he asked.
She nodded as she smiled up at him.
"So did I." he responded before he moved his lips to hers in a gentle manner.
His lips were soft and call her crazy but she could swear they tasted of caramel. Kara could feel the butterflies in her stomach return as his mouth moved against hers in the sweetest way. And boy were they flapping their wings about.
After what seemed like a week, he pulled away, leaving Kara with the widest smile on her face.

He proceeded to wrap his toned arms around her and she reveled in the feeling of resting her head on his warm chest. She could hear his heartbeat which was moving a little faster above normal.
" So, do you think we could stay here for the rest of the day?" he asked so nicely that it made her giggle.
Unfortunately they both needed at the DEO in a half hour so as much as she wanted to just be with him alone in her apartment, she had no choice but to reject his tempting offer.

Unwillingly, she pulled herself free from his embrace.
" Believe me when I say I would like nothing more than to cuddle with you in this bed for the rest of the day, but we gotta get to the DEO." she said.
" Ugh, fine." he said as he gave her a quick peck on the lips.
" Hey, do you think we could keep this between us, you know just for now?" she asked him.
Slightly taken aback he asked, " What, you don't want people to know?"
"No, it's not that. It's just, that this is the first relationship where I feel it could be something special and I don't want people's opinions of us to ruin it." she admitted.
"So, there's an us?" he asked with an adorable grin on his face.
" Yeah, of course." she smiled.
She gave him one more kiss before he agreed, "Ok then, we can keep it quiet for as long as you want."

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